
Embakasi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2012

On-time repayments

116 installments  •  37%

About Me

I have a big vision of assisting more than 20 youths monthly so that they can be able to cater for their bills and better their lives. I have done this by offering computer training at low cost and keeping them up to date with the ever changing technology. I also provide training to school kids from the community to get them to learn computer technology at a tender age!

I promise to do my part and make sure that I give you updates and repay my loan in time to help others.

My Business

My dream is too see school kids and youths from slum gain knowledge which will make them get employment or be self employed later.

Loan Proposal

If granted the loan, I will use it to buy two more computers and a reasonable printer since the services are in demand. Many youths will also benefit since now I can be able to train like 5 youths at once. Thanking you in advance as you assist my dream to come true.

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About Me

I have a big vision of assisting more than 20 youths monthly so that they can be able to cater for their bills and better their lives. I have done this by offering computer training at low cost and keeping them up to date with the ever changing technology.
School kids from the community also get to learn Computer at tender age!I promise to do my part and make sure that I give you updates and repay my loan in time to help others.".

My Business

My dream is too see school kids and youths from slum gain computer knowledge which will make them get employment or be self employed later. I need to get another room and buy 5 more computers as the number of youths coming for the service is growing day by day. Kids from neighboring schools who does not have electricity and computer at their school also come for computer lessons for a very low cost. This expansion will be beneficial to me as well as the community.

Loan Proposal

If granted the loan, I will use it to buy two more computers and a reasonable printer since the services are in demand. Many youths will also benefit since now I can be able to train like 5 youths at once. Thanking you in advance as you assist my dream to come true.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 14, 2012

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

9 months



Rochester, Mn, Usa, United States


United Kingdom



Lauterach, Austria


Los Angeles, United States

Ask Duncan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Duncan    Nov 13, 2018

    Dear lenders
    I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the delay in paying back the loan. It's a long story and things were tough on my side.
    I promise to resume in January 2019 since I depend on students who are currently on long holiday.
    Once again I assure u lenders that I will pay to the last cent.
    Thank you all.

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    • Mårten    Oct 28, 2019

      Dear Duncan,
      appreciate the update. How did this year go?

      All the best,

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  • Hope2012    Dec 22, 2015

    Just checking in to say happy Christmas, all the best

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    • Duncan    Jan 12, 2016

      Dear Hope2012,
      Sorry for delay in replying. Happy belated New Year 2016! I had traveled to upcountry whereby accessing to internet is next to impossible.
      Now am back to town and this have started running as usual.
      Thanks for your concern.

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  • Duncan    Nov 5, 2015

    Dear Lenders,
    Business is doing great well with many students enrolling for training as well as customers who come for internet services.
    As we approach December holiday, many will travel upcountry and come back in January and therefore I expect a huge intake of students in January.
    The new computers are in good shape and has brought a new life in the market.
    Thank you all lenders who stood with me in this journey!

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  • Duncan    May 2, 2015

    Dear Lenders,
    Its my joy to share the experience of the expanded computer class whereby I was able to get 3 Pentium IV computers, which brought competition to students.
    They literally fight as to who will use the "new" computers as everyone is excited to use them. Currently I apply the "first come first serve rule" whereby the latecomers used the old , slow machines.
    I hope to upgrade them next time and have all "new" computers.
    Thanks to all my lenders and your effort is changing lives of many students and enabling them enjoy technology changes.

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  • Hope2012    Feb 8, 2015

    Saw this site and thought of your students


    Hope all is well x

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    • Duncan    Feb 9, 2015

      Dear Hope 2012,
      Sure all is well. I have been busy with the new intake for this year and with the expansion, am able to serve more students.
      Thanks for the link I have already given out to students, 3 have already applied and hope they are going to get jobs.
      Enjoy your day!

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  • jan73    Dec 25, 2014

    Good wishes for health, joy, and prosperity to you and your family in 2015!

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  • Hope2012    Dec 22, 2014

    Hello how are you, just checking in to wish you a very happy Christmas xx

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  • Hope2012    Sep 17, 2014

    Hello again
    I'm afraid I was offline and just didn't see this loan in time or I would have helped out. But it seems you got funded anyway :)
    As ever, best wishes

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    • Duncan    Sep 20, 2014

      Hope 2012,
      Thanks very much for breaking the silence, I was very worried since I was checking and I could not see any lending you have done.
      I thank God you are fine. Am doing great as I have already expanded the computer class and more students are able to gain the necessary knowledge in IT.
      Once again thank for your concern about my loan and this far i count your effort since you have been a good friend always there in time of need.
      All the best.

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      • Hope2012    Oct 17, 2014

        Thanks for your message, I shall keep a closer eye out for next time. So happy to see how much success you have had!

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  • Duncan    Jul 31, 2014

    I promise to do my part and make sure that I give you updates and repay my loan in time to help others.".
    Thank you all for continued effort in funding my loan. God bless you all.

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  • Duncan    Jul 29, 2014

    I sincerely thank you for your massive support. Your endless effort to support this loan has been highly felt. Although its about to expire, I really thank you for your determination. Kindly extend the generosity once I re-post the loan.

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  • evinpa    Jul 28, 2014

    Hello Duncan Chege,

    I see you only have a few hours left and am surprised that you have not reached full funding by now.

    I always recognize your fundraising loans from the wonderful profile photo you have with the children.

    Please do not be discouraged. You can repost the loan application. I am sure that you will be able to raise the funds for this, your fourth loan.


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    • Duncan    Jul 29, 2014

      Thanks Envipa for your concern and encouragement. Am also surprised that the loan was not fully funded.
      The future is very bright and I will repost again.
      Thank you all

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      • evinpa    Jul 29, 2014

        You're welcome. I will watch for your loan to be posted again on the site. You are doing wonderful work.

        Have a great day!

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  • Duncan    Jul 28, 2014

    Please, please, don't let this loan expire I beg you lenders!
    I take this moment to salute all the lenders who has funded me so far am gland am 42% funded and 2 days left at the moment .Am hoping before deadline lenders will generously fund me and i will appreciate.
    thank you all and God bless you.

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  • Duncan    Jul 25, 2014

    37% and only 5 days remaining!!!!!!
    I have a big vision of assisting more than 20 youths monthly so that they can be able to cater for their bills and better their lives. I have done this by offering computer training at low cost and now its time to add driving course where they will get a driving licence.
    Driving skills is a necessity especially for sales and marketing youths which go round marketing their merchandise and this will make more youths marketable.

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  • Duncan    Jul 23, 2014

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  • Duncan    Jul 23, 2014

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  • Duncan    Jul 23, 2014

    last weekend we had a successful meeting with interested parties . Photos attached

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  • Duncan    Jul 23, 2014

    7 days to go and only 34%
    Kindly lenders support this vision as it will serve the community to eradicate computer illiteracy as well as adding driving course to the youths hence creating more jobs for computer operators as well as Drivers both in companies and private.
    My dream is too see youths from slum gain knowledge which will make them get employment or be self employed.
    Over a period of time about 10 youths graduate on monthly basis with computer certificate and they have been absorbed in companies at various departments while others have started online writing which is earning good money.
    Driving skills is a necessity especially for sales and marketing youths which go round marketing their merchandise and this will make more youths marketable.

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  • Duncan    Jul 20, 2014

    The far that I have reached is through the effort of Zidisha and it has helped me to achieve my dreams which initially were like they will never come true. I have no doubt in my mind that even now Zidisha and all lenders will come to my aid and fund this loan for my community to benefit from this wonderful project.
    Thanking you all for your generous bidding and want to assure you that I will not let you down.

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  • Duncan    Jul 16, 2014

    To all Lenders,
    I wish to thank you all for your generous bidding towards my loan. I have confidence that soon the loan will be 100% funded and get the funds to achieve the dream of empowering the youths with courses that benefit their lives and transform their livelihood.

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  • Duncan    Jul 13, 2014

    Today I managed to clear my loan! I thank all the lenders and I would like to request you in advance to please fund my loan which is coming soon. Thanks and May God bless you all.

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