Inventory for my shop


Berekum, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

79 installments  •  62%

About Me

I furthered my education from there to Berekum methodist high school. My parents are farmers by profession. I am the general owner of Krobea’s supermarket. Because my place is a new site and people travel to Berekum. Je souhaite vraiment developper mon activité avec l'aide de zidisha que je pourrai utiliser.

My Business

Le magasin de supermarché Krobea est le nom de mon magasin d'approvisionnement. J'ai commencé ce magasin de supermarché dans ma région, car il ya beaucoup de gens dans ce domaine et ils auront besoin de ces articles quotidiens et de la nourriture pour vivre. Les principaux produits sont le riz, le sucre, le lait, le pain, le café, Lipton que les travailleurs se précipitent à ma boutique tous les jours pour ces produits. En outre, des produits comme le savon, les poudres de savon et les détergents sont vendus dans ma boutique. .

Loan Proposal

When I receive the loan, I will buy products to stock my shop. Some of the products I will be buying are detergents, soap, rice, sugar which people rush in to purchase every minute. I assure you that, i will use the money solely for it purpose in other to attract more customers and help grow my business in order to repay my loan. I count on the lenders to consider this my loan application in other for me to stock my shop with some important and needy products to be able to solve the needs of the community. I hope and know that if I get this money my profit margin will increase and will be able to generate a minimum of 41% profit within a week to payback the loan.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 1, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans



Legend, United States


Paul Graham

United States

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