
Dakar, Senegal

100% repaid




Member since

January 2012

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  62%

About Me

I am the financial support of my family. I am married and the father of one child. My salary is not enough to support my parents, my wife and my little brothers. We all live under the same roof. I am hoping saving money and continue to support everybody with the loan for my business. Without your help, it will be very difficult to survive financially.

My Business

I was doing business in Zinguichor. I went there to buy grilled fish and palm oil. I also travelled to Gambia and I bought woman’s clothes. This type of commerce was very successful but I did not have enough funds to keep up with it. In Dakar I was selling cell phones. I would like to open a school canteen. I will have 2 employees, that I will pay 30000 each per month plus the canteen location 30000 per month. Transport is about 40000 and all the kitchen tools and food to cook and operate the canteen 200000/

Loan Proposal

I was doing business in Zinguichor. I went there to buy grilled fish and palm oil. I also travelled to Gambia and I bought woman’s clothes. This type of commerce was very successful but I did not have enough funds to keep up with it. In Dakar I was selling cell phones. I would like to open a school canteen. I will have 2 employees, that I will pay 30000 each per month plus the canteen location 30000 per month. Transport is about 40000 and all the kitchen tools and food to cook and operate the canteen 200000

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About Me

je suis un soutien de famille pere d un enfant je suis aussi marier mon salair ne suffit ce commerce va me permetre d ecomise un peu pour soutenir mes parents ma femme et aussi mes petits freres avec qui je vis dans le meme toit sans votre aidi ce sera dificile pour moi de sans veux developer mon projet puis keje faisais des voyage en casamance et il marche bien maintenan je vais augmente avec les produits cosmetiques pour ameliore mon capital. avec le premier pret sa c est bien passe et eu la chance de beneficie d un grace ki m a beaucoup aide

My Business

je fais d commerce j allais a ziguinchor pour acheter du poisson grille,d huile de palm parfois en gambi achete des vetement de femmes sa marche mais j avais pas de moyen suffisant a dakar je vendais des telephones portable je veux aussi ouvrir une kantine scolaire avec deux employer plus la loccation de la kantine pour lalocation 30000par mois les deux employer chacun 30000par mois plus les transports ki me revient a 40000et assi les materiaux divers cuisinier ,ustensil de cuisine 200000

Loan Proposal

je fais d commerce j allais a ziguinchor pour acheter du poisson grille,d huile de palm parfois en gambi achete des vetement de femmes sa marche mais j avais pas de moyen suffisant a dakar je vendais des telephones portable je veux aussi ouvrir une kantine scolaire avec deux employer plus la loccation de la kantine pour lalocation 30000par mois les deux employer chacun 30000par mois plus les transports ki me revient a 40000et assi les materiaux divers cuisinier ,ustensil de cuisine 200000





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 18, 2012

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

24 months



Stanford, United States


Benedicte Monroe

Sarasota// Phnom Penh, United States



Oslo, Norway

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  • Dominique    Sep 5, 2016


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  • Dominique    Sep 5, 2016

    Dear Lender I am m apologize to loan you because I have had a big delay J stays sick and I had stopped the activities that my lot penalize god thank you mainte I"m fine I will soon resume the activities to continue the payment as expected another excuse me faith

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  • Dominique    Feb 3, 2015

    CHER preteur je vous remerci de m avoir fait confiance je viens de faire continuer mon commerce apres mes problemes que j avais dieu merci que je viens de faire un versement je vais tout faire pour terminer le reste et de continuer avec votre soutien pour rendre mon commerce rentable je vous remerci pour votre confiance car votre soutien nous pousse beaucoup sur notre avenir merci encore vous etes notre soutien

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  • Dominique    Dec 3, 2014

    mes tres chers preteur je tiens dabord a m excuser du retard que j ai eu dans mes versements et qui est independans de ma volonter je veux que vous me donner un peu de temps pour pouvoir me remetre dans mes activite je vais tout faire pour etre a jour je voulez vous dire ke d ici peu je rembourser tout le moitier qui me reste j avais des problemes de fammille c est pour sa que j avais ce retard mis tout est arranger dieu merci je vous remerci de votre comprehention encore une foi a vous

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  • Dominique    Jul 1, 2014

    BONJOUR ATOUTE LA FAMILLE ZIDISHA je mexcuse vraiment du retard que j ai eu pour mon versement c est independant de ma volonter je n est jamais eu de retard dans mes versements si je les eu c est temps si c est parceque j ai des problemes avec mes marchandises c est a cause de sa que j ai ce retard mais je vais tous faire pour reprendre normalement mais marchandises venez de la guinee conakry et on avez fermer la frontiere depuis quelques temps avec cet crise pour mesure de prudence c est sa qui m avez penaliser et maintenan j ai vu un autre sisteme de commerce et j espere que ca va marche je pris le bon dieu je m excuse devant tous mais preteurs et toute l equipe de zidisha de m accorder un peu de temps merci pour votre comprehention.

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  • jan73    Jun 29, 2014

    Do you have any news of Joelle Dimitri Maty who is behind in her repayments since March? I hope that she and her family are well as I hope the same for you and your family.

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  • Charlotte    Jun 3, 2014

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  • Charlotte    May 14, 2014

    bonjour à toute la famille zidisha,je suis à l'écoute pour avoir un autre prêt la je continue à travailler avec mon mari parce que ça marche très bien notre affaire et on veut amélioré notre projet je pense qu' avec votre aide ont va s'en sortir je veut ouvrir un magasin en même tant continuer a faire la navette pour avoir la bonne qualité de marchandise merci .

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  • Charlotte    May 14, 2014

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  • Charlotte    May 12, 2014

    Bonjour à toute l' équipe zidisha , et les vous remercie pour le près que vous m'avait donner et qui ma beaucoup aider à réaliser mon projet et qui marche vraiment .
    et je conte continuer avec votre aide pour créer un autre vous dis un grand merci je suis très contente de vous.

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  • klunpa01    Feb 7, 2014

    Dear Lenders,

    We have been informed by Mr. Diop that he has been having some problems but he will try to make a repayment soon. We will keep following up with him and inform you when we have more of an update. Thanks for your patience!

    Senegal Liaison Intern
    Zidisha, Inc

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  • Dominique    Dec 30, 2013

    Hello everyone! I am very pleased with your understanding, and your trust in me has encouraged me to work well. Also, you have brought me happiness. When I started with Zidisha, I began to complete my projects little by little despite the difficulties I face, which happen and are a part of business. I am pleased to be with you and I want to reach my biggest goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur with my own employees. With you, I can manage to reach this goal. Thank you all again.

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  • klunpa01    Dec 10, 2013

    Dear Lenders,

    We have received a message today from Mr. Diop saying he was having a few problems with his merchandise, but he is planning to make a two payments next month. He is very sincere in his conquest, and I know he will be true to his word with his engagements. Thanks for your patience and your continued support of Zidisha.

    Senegal Liaison Intern

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  • Dominique    Dec 9, 2013

    Dear lenders, I thank you for putting confidence in me. Since I joined Zidisha I've never had a late payment even though I've had problems with my merchandise sometimes, because thankfully those problems are working themselves out, little by little. I'm confirming to you that I will respect all my commitments and I also have confidence that everything will go very well, but I would like you to give me one month of grace so that I can continue my payments as agreed. Thank you very much for your confidence. Thanks to you, my small business is a reality and I hope it will become a big business with your support and collaboration. Thank you.

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  • Dominique    Jun 18, 2013

    Hello everybody and thank you for putting confidence in me. I am very happy to receive your help and I will definitely continue with my trade as I began it, because it's working very well thanks to your support. I hope never to have a late payment and to respect all my commitments. Since I received my loan, I bought merchandise that I've started to sell to my clients, who are also happy because I have quality products. I thank you again for your support and your trust.

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  • Dominique    May 21, 2013

    Hello to all of you who have trusted me, since you've given me luck. My business has worked wonderfully from the start and I pray God to help me so that it continues that way. I also thank you all for the means of making the payment that I'm about to make. After I made a profit, I went quickly to deposit the payment so I wouldn't be late and I also hope it will continue like this, since I'll do all I can never to be late. Today I made an advance on my next payment and I hope it will appear soon, because with the products I just bought I hope to make more profits. Thank you again.

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  • Dominique    Mar 25, 2013

    Good evening, I'm returning to the question I asked last time. I saw that I had a decrease in my credit compared to my last loan: I had a loan of 519,000 and I saw that my credit limit is now 389,000 CFA francs. This astonished me because up until now I've repaid regularly and my trade has gone wonderfully. There is no problem with it, and I'm even thinking of repaying the rest now in order to take out another loan. I plan on enlarging my sales volume because I've seen a great change, an advancement, in my business and I trust this will continue if it pleases God. Thank you for putting confidence in me.

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  • Dominique    Mar 15, 2013

    I've seen the changes and I believe they are for the better. But I also want to know if we the previous lenders are supposed to have our next loan limit reduced. For example, I took out a 992 dollar loan and if I repay it by the date specified, it will still be more than my next loan. I've seen that my new credit limit is actually smaller than the last one. Also, when I was a little bit behind in my repayments, that was because of the change in my bank account from Cebeau to Ecobank. Now, everything's going well and I have a bank closer to where I live. Thank you.

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  • Dominique    Feb 5, 2013

    Good evening, I had a small problem with the payment due to a change in banks. The Ecobank is very far from our home, and therefore we have problems getting to the bank counter. We are asking to see if you can find a solution. I have received my payments for a while now, but I have this problem to get paid. With my business I do not have much time but one day I will. I am sorry for the delay, it is not voluntary. Thank you.

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  • Dominique    Dec 27, 2012

    Hello to everyone at Zidisha. Merry Christmas! Thanks again because I am doing well thanks to you. My business is working little by little like I said last time. I want to create another transportation business that I hope will work with your support. I already have a drivers license. Thanks to the first loan, my commerce is going well. I always think about the future of my son and wife. That's why I work hard with the loans to succeed with your help. I also dream one day of having a big business to help those who have not had the opportunity to be Zidisha members. I am very happy and wish Merry Christmas to Zidisha and the lenders who enable us to succeed. Thank you.

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