
Dakar, Senegal

100% repaid




Member since

January 2012

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  62%

About Me

I am the financial support of my family. I am married and the father of one child. My salary is not enough to support my parents, my wife and my little brothers. We all live under the same roof. I am hoping saving money and continue to support everybody with the loan for my business. Without your help, it will be very difficult to survive financially.

My Business

I was doing business in Zinguichor. I went there to buy grilled fish and palm oil. I also travelled to Gambia and I bought woman’s clothes. This type of commerce was very successful but I did not have enough funds to keep up with it. In Dakar I was selling cell phones. I would like to open a school canteen. I will have 2 employees, that I will pay 30000 each per month plus the canteen location 30000 per month. Transport is about 40000 and all the kitchen tools and food to cook and operate the canteen 200000/

Loan Proposal

I want to improve my project. I did sales between Dakar and Ziguinchor, and now I want to also sell cosmetics in order to be able to earn a little more. I should buy these products in the sub-region. With my first loan I had started to sell palm oil, grilled fish, and that worked well. Now if I increase the cosmetic products this will become superb. I will not have problems in repaying. I have already put in place a kiosk for the cosmetic products. I’m only waiting for your financing in order to continue my project. Thank you.

Show original Français  

About Me

je suis un soutien de famille pere d un enfant je suis aussi marier mon salair ne suffit ce commerce va me permetre d ecomise un peu pour soutenir mes parents ma femme et aussi mes petits freres avec qui je vis dans le meme toit sans votre aidi ce sera dificile pour moi de sans veux developer mon projet puis keje faisais des voyage en casamance et il marche bien maintenan je vais augmente avec les produits cosmetiques pour ameliore mon capital. avec le premier pret sa c est bien passe et eu la chance de beneficie d un grace ki m a beaucoup aide

My Business

je fais d commerce j allais a ziguinchor pour acheter du poisson grille,d huile de palm parfois en gambi achete des vetement de femmes sa marche mais j avais pas de moyen suffisant a dakar je vendais des telephones portable je veux aussi ouvrir une kantine scolaire avec deux employer plus la loccation de la kantine pour lalocation 30000par mois les deux employer chacun 30000par mois plus les transports ki me revient a 40000et assi les materiaux divers cuisinier ,ustensil de cuisine 200000

Loan Proposal

je veux amliore mon projet je faisais du commerce entre dakar et ziguinchor maintenan je veux assi vendre des produits cosmetics pour pouvoir gagner un peu doit achete ces produits dans la sous region.avec mon premier pret j avais commence a vendre de l huile de palm des poissons grilles qui marche a merveille est maintenan si j augmente les produit cosmetiques sa va devenir superbe;je n aurai pas de problemes de remboursement.j ai deja mis sur place une kiosque pour les produits cosmetiques j atend seulement votre financement pour continuer mon projet merci.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 27, 2012

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

25 months


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

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