Sawdust supply business


Mafinga, Tanzania

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $118 goal


days left




Member since

March 2024

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is David Lutumo, I was born in Tanga Region. I am the first born among the six children in our family. I am married to Consolatha Ng'umbi and we have one child named Brighton aged four (4) years.
I was raised in Iringa region and got my ordinary level education at Mafinga Seminary in the Catholic Diocese of Iringa and advanced level education at Tanga Technical School.
Since I was at little age I had a dream of starting my own remarkable business that could help me raise my family and help my parents together with my society at large in terms of employment and other possible services.
In 2021 I visited one factory in Mafinga -Iringa that deals with briquettes making. I was interested in the business because I found it's profitable but also aids in environmental conservation and protection by turning waste materials into useful products and that is briquettes which is used as fuel.

My Business

I started the business of supplying raw materials ( sawdust) three years ago at the factory in Mafinga -Iringa. My main task is searching for the places where the sawdust can be found, arranging my team of workers to go and pack the sawdust in the bags, loading them in the truck and offloading the materials at the factory.
I am working from 06:00am to 05:00pm together with my team from Monday to Saturday. I have only one customer to whom I'm supplying the sawdust and has given me another tender to supply his factory with firewoods as well. This new tender will require me ten more people for collecting the firewoods, loading and offloading them from the truck.

Project Proposal

Your loan will help me to buy more bags for packing sawdust and some money will be used to pay the people that will be added to my team.This will bring me a chance to increase more employment opportunities to my community.
Thank you for your loan, the profit I get from my business will help to improve my life, that of my employees and my community at large.
Thank you for your support.
The amount of money I am requesting from you as a loan to boost my business is 120 USD.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 20, 2024



Malang, Indonesia


Kaoma, Zambia



United States

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