Loan to buy donkey and cart for grain transportation


Bungoma Town, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2015

On-time repayments

134 installments  •  15%

About Me

I am a 80 year old widow who works hard to feed myself and do my best to help others in my community.I am very healthy and dont eat any packed foods,i know english, having learned from British nuns who i met as a girl before Kenyas independence;i used to help them in their house chores at Lugulu mission in Webuye and they helped me understand and learn English and some Portuguese (i dont have a good grasp of Portuguese though because there is hardly anyone to speak with unless i meet special guests brought to functions in our county government). People say i am noisy but most who complain dont like how i give my opinion everywhere.I saw and learned English education from the nuns and these expressions made me popular in my young years whenever i gave talks.I like talking a lot to the youth about our culture and i am always looking forward to sitting in story telling functions for children.I recite poetry and heroes stories of our people and those of other cultures such as the Luos and the Kipsigis, i'm always invited to attend traditional functions and tell traditional stories and poems from our community.
I was widowed over 40 years ago and i live alone.I have two houses,one in town and a small store house in the outskirts of the town where i collect grains from people.I love reading the bible. I dont use sodas or sweet drinks but i like traditional food..My grandfather had a lot of land and sold a lot of grains especially maize and we learned by going out into the farm with him.He was one of the main suppliers of maize in our town and when he passed away my father followed suit.After papa died i and my siblings started a grain store that buys from villagers maize and keep it while reselling in town.Now after most of them died i remain with 6 sisters and 2 brothers,we buy and sell maize and cassava.I lost 20 acres of my inheritance to bukusu elders who took it from me saying culture does not allow women to own large land,but i have remained with an acre of land which i expanded to 6 acres of land by buying and selling cassava,maize and some sugar cane which i plough. Sales from my crops and from what i buy from villagers to sell in town enables me to sustain myself.I have one grand daughter who lives with me and she helps me in the work.She is my everything and is the one who found out about Zidisha and introduced me to it on her computer.

My Business

i buy maize and cassava at cheap price of around 20$ each bag and then i have a donkey cart transport from the small store in the village to town at 10$ each trip where i sell the bag for 40$. I first buy a lot of the maize from farmers during the harvesting season when they look for market for their grain then in my small store i keep the maize and stock it while getting it transported once a week to town. I make average of 100$ per month from sales and now since i bought the donkey from a neighbor i have cut the costs and make a bigger profit which enabled me to buy 3 bags of cement in readiness to plaster my houses walls.Business depends on seasons,rainy or dry.When its dry people buy my bags of maize for as high as 50$,but criminals sometimes enter my store and steal the maize and other grains to sell at cheap prices.My profits from these activities helps me to sustain myself.In my days there was no social security for old people so we take care of ourselves.I want to end up building myself a warmer house from the one i have made of soil and i thank you in advance.

Loan Proposal

I would like to get a loan,around 50$ that can buy me a donkey and a cart to transport the maize/corn that i buy from farmers,having this donkey and the cart will help me save on costs i incur while transporting the maize to Bungoma town from my store in the village where i buy the maize from farmers cheaply.If i have a donkey and cart it will cost me less in spending to hire,i will save 10$ a day and will put this back into buying and selling maize.It will also help me to be able to have daily transportation of the maize i buy.The donkeys are few in our town and they are hired by many people so when i ask for the donkey and cart i usually have to wait a week or two to be given the service.If i buy this donkey my income will increase and i can stock more maize.Thank you for giving me this offer.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 20, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months

Other loans



United Kingdom



United States

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  • YP    Aug 24, 2015

    Hello Priscilla,
    I hope you are well. Do you have any news of Catherine Mainya, a borrower you invited? She has not made any payments in a while and there has been no news.

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  • Priscilla    Jun 24, 2015

    Hallo everyone.Its been a while but i am carrying on.I am down with illness and would like to have a break from paying for about 2 weeks

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  • Priscilla    Jun 5, 2015

    Good sales today.Please be patient as i search for a camera man who can take my photo.Today i got a tender to supply a school with 3 sacks of 50kg maize.

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  • Priscilla    May 30, 2015

    I have not yet started recovering the money i put into stock but i expect to start full recovery within 3 or 4 weeks.So kindly allow me the time to gradually return to regular payments of my installments. However i managed to buy the maize i needed in lump sum and have opened my store for selling.

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  • Priscilla    May 15, 2015

    I am glad today i walked into Kitale town,Trans Nzoia county and me and a friend sampled the variety of maize being sold there,we had been in talks with traders on phone and we purchased some initial maize bags two days ago some miles out of my hometown but we are in Kitale to buy the main stock at a cheaper price.Thank you everyone.

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  • Priscilla    May 7, 2015

    Dear lenders thank you for lending me the 132$ that i received on my phone early this morning.I am already planning to get on a bus to Kitale to buy the maize.It is now very chilly in our hometown and the rains are pouring daily so i know my market is quite ready and will definitely keep you updated as i progress.

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  • Priscilla    May 6, 2015

    Thank you everyone of you for your support.I can now boost my maize buying and reselling business.

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  • Priscilla    May 4, 2015

    Kenya is at a crossroads and we hope that things will turn for the better soon.Farmers are suffering because of high fertilizer prices yet the government promised to reduce the costs.

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  • Priscilla    Apr 29, 2015

    When rain kills its a bad omen yet we needed this very rain so much.

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  • Priscilla    Apr 28, 2015

    Dear lenders i am happy to finally make my final loan installment.I paid my loan fully after a customer from Uganda showed up and wanted almost 60 bags of maize.I supplied it all,even buying some from a neighbor and friend whom i work with in this business.I have managed to save almost 500$ and bought three bags of cement for plastering my iron sheet mud house.I expect to buy at least 15 bags of cement with time.Anyway i have a fine donkey and have had trouble with young men taking photos of the donkey and its cart and not returning to give me the photos despite the pay.I got my grand daughter some money to put into her fees at college and she promises to help me take photos of my donkey when she comes.I managed to rent an acre of land and planted more cassava as the rainy season has just arrived and is suitable for these types of crops. I am grateful for your help,and for my grand daughters help too.I have a bone condition and have managed to buy medicine for it too.Thank you again.

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  • Priscilla    Apr 25, 2015

    This week has been very busy.I planted maize on my shamba and got my nephews to help me plough it.I hope to make at least 70 bags of maize to store at the end of harvesting season.

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  • Priscilla    Mar 15, 2015

    Dear lenders thank you for your continued support. The rains have delayed and crops are not surviving at all but we are hoping the tough times will pass.

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  • Priscilla    Feb 16, 2015

    Today i got an order for 30 sacks of maize from a boarding school.They paid me half and i managed to buy batteries for my radio and put the rest in KCB bank.Still no rain but on radio they say it rained heavily in the North Rift.We are still dry and waiting.

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  • Priscilla    Feb 7, 2015

    I have received the donkey i chose,now waiting for a vet to give it some shots.Hope to have a photo of it here soon.Its dry and grain is being sold by fewer people as they hold on to it.In the town demand is increasing and so are the sales.

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  • Priscilla    Jan 28, 2015

    Today i am seeing the five donkeys which are being offered for sale.I am yet to choose one but God willing i will purchase one by the end of this week,wish me the best.It is very hot in our part of the country and people are buying grains in readiness for the rains which come after the hot season.I hope all of you are doing fine.

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  • Priscilla    Jan 21, 2015

    This is my home.That is not grain for sale but the one i dry in the sun for personal use

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  • Hope2012    Jan 15, 2015

    You're very welcome, and I agree with Lark, you sound like an inspirational woman.

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    • Priscilla    Jan 19, 2015

      Thank you.I am yet to receive my loan but i think it has to do with an error with my number.Otherwise hoping for the best.

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  • Hope2012    Jan 14, 2015

    Hello, best wishes for your continued success

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    • Priscilla    Jan 14, 2015

      Thank you,the sun is hot down here but we have to work.Sure will help others.

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  • Priscilla    Jan 13, 2015

    I want to buy this donkey and its cart and improve the cart and even give the donkey a better treatment.

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