Member since
July 2020
On-time repayments
26 installments • 42%
I am senior high school graduate .I am single no kid.I am preparing myself to further my education after I have been able to save money from the business I do.I live with my mum .unfortunately my dad is not alive.we live in our won house.i am saving to go to nursing training college .it is my dream to become a professional nurse to serve my community.
I sells fruit and vegetables near the road side.I started selling sweets until my capital was enough to start the sales of this fruits and vegetables.i buy the fruits and vegetables from the market women.This does not give me much profit since i dont go to the farmers to buy from them.
I need to first thank Zidisha lenders for supporting me in my business.
I am now able to reach the farmers and buy directly from them. Because i now
buy more of the vegetable,i will need a refrigerator to store some of the perishable
ones.I am also planning to sell fruits juice to support the business hence the purchase of
fridge becomes necessary.
fruits and vegetables is very demanding in our every day life.i know the current economic climate is has affected many businesses ,but mine is bit better.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Aug 14, 2020
Repayment status
Projected term
4 months
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