Loan for certificate course in video shooting and editing


Slota, Kenya

13% repaid




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

89 installments  •  1%

About Me

am a 23 year old from a family of six members, i being the third last in the family. my childhood life was not very challenging as i managed to learn through primary and secondary school without much problem with school fees. my parents tried hard to ensure that we went to school by paying the fees for us.
after completing form four in 2012 i went to a college to pursue a certificate in video shooting and editing. it was a two year course and i have been practicing in the field since. however i have not been able to purchase my own camera and equipment for video shooting. i have been borrowing from people and paying for their services or working for people for pay. this is however very challenging hence wish to have my own equipment. this will make me self reliant and achieve the goal of self employment.
am currently single without a family of my own though my parents and siblings depend on me for financial assistance.
i take this business as a hobby so when i am free i interact with experts to learn more on video shooting and editing. i am also an active member of our local church in choir.

My Business

my business involves video shooting in ceremonies for my clients. i also do photographs. i find these services in demand as people want to preserve history or for future reference and the only means of achieving this is through pictures or videos. people want to see how a certain event was in future.
i chose this business because it would give me the freedom to be my own employer while at the same time employing others. i intent to have my own company providing these services. this is yet to be achieved though it will with time as i currently lack capital to purchase the equipment.
so far the money i make is not much enough to afford the equipment though am trying hard to save enough to be able to afford them. as i save for this purpose, i also intent to upgrade my certificate to a diploma level. the reason i am applying this loan is to enable me to pay for the diploma course. i have been able to save ksh. 40,000 from the average daily income of ksh.1200. i will not find it challenging in repaying back the loan once i get it.

Loan Proposal

i am applying this loan to enable me to pay for my diploma course fee. this is because i intent to be competitive enough in order to win clients and tenders in the near future involving video shooting and editing. with a diploma i will be more knowledgeable enough in this field and provide high quality work to my clients. once i achieve the goal of a company i will be able to provide employment to many people especially the youth. my income will increase and i will be able to cater for daily needs and also be able to save.
currently i am able to save ksh. 2000 monthly, i hope the profits will be able to double or triple. this is because as i pursue the training i will still be able to work mostly on weekends. i look forward to a positive response from you.i thank you in advance. thank you for your support,may the lord bless you the more.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 29, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

20 months


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