Buy raw materials baking and add venture capital online


Batam, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

108 installments  •  94%

About Me

I am a young mother with 2 daughters, I graduated from high school since graduating from school I am used to working and being independent, before getting married I worked away from my parents and worked in a private company until my contract expired. after getting married I decided to open a small business at home while taking care of my child the most difficult thing was the beginning of the business many obstacles and obstacles but I did not give up and kept trying until I could survive

My Business

I started an online business selling clothes, dolls, bags, etc. and then it hasn't fully been able to help my family's needs, let alone the cost of living in the city where I live is very expensive. I decided to increase my business in the culinary field, especially baking. Now I'm joining GoFood and Shopeefood for my baking business, so that my reach is wider and more people can enjoy my cake. I also accept orders for various cakes if there is an event

Loan Proposal

I will use to buy cake raw materials and some cooking tools as well as some I use for my online venture capital. and the benefits I use to increase the cost of my child"s education where this month will do the final exam of the class increase

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About Me

saya seorang ibu muda dengan 2 putri,
saya lulusan smk sejak lulus sekolah saya sudah terbiasa kerja dan mandiri, sebelum menikah saya kerja jauh dari orang tua dan kerja di sebuah perusahaan swasta hingga saya habis kontrak.
setelah menikah saya memutuskan untuk membuka usaha kecil dirumah sedari mengurus anak saya
hal yang paling sulit adalah awal2 usaha banyak hambatan dan kendala
tapi saya tidak menyerah dan terus berusaha hingga bisa bertahan

My Business

saya memulai usaha jualan online baju,boneka,tas,dll
lalu itu belum sepenuhnya bisa membantu kebutuhan keluarga saya apalagi biaya hidup dikota saya tinggal sangat mahal.
saya putuskan untuk menambah usaha dibidang kuliner khusunya baking. Sekarang saya join dengan gofood dan shopeefood untuk usaha baking saya, agar jangkauan saya lebih luas dan makin banyak yg bisa menikmati kue saya. Saya juga menerima pesanan aneka kue jika ada acara

Loan Proposal

saya akan menggunakan untuk membeli bahan baku kue dan beberapa alat membuat kue serta sebagian saya gunakan untuk modal usaha online saya.
dan keuntungannya saya gunakan untuk menambah biaya pendidikan anak saya
dimana pada bulan ini akan melakukan ujian akhir kenaikan kelas





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 3, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



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