Buying smartphones for communication means on campus


Jombang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Nuril Muhammadah. My hobby is reading and seeing korean movies. I am currently studying at Airlangga University Surabaya. in Surabaya I live with my brother"s family. Every Monday to Saturday I always take my niece to their school. after that I left Lecture by riding a motorcycle.....

My Business

I helped my brother"s online merchandising business. I help update the goods, packing, sending and other activities. sometimes I take turns with my sister to reply to customer questions. besides I helped to market it in my social media. my income is not fixed due to the profits that come from my sister"s online business. at least in 1 month I can save 200.000 - 300.000. Thank goodness for college I have been helped by a scholarship from my campus. I will study and strive diligently so that my grades always meet the scholarship requirements of my campus......

Loan Proposal

I applied for this loan for additional buy Smartphone. My smartphone vanished, dropped from my jacket pocket when I came home from college at night. Once at home, my number is no longer available. it"s ascertained my smarphone has been found and will not be back. I need a new smartphone, because of my communication access with my college friends, my lecturer and my counselor using what"sapp, line and other social media. In addition there are times when some lecturers held an online task where I have to go online while my campus wifi sometimes not smooth / disturbed. currently I"m using my brother"s cell phone that quickly runs out and tetringnya a bit longer because it is still 3G. so inefficient in my activities doing my job. I still have funds from my scholarship that can cover some of my HP purchases. I"m planning to buy a cheap Xiomi Smartphone. I hope the Casters will help me once more. thank you

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Nuril Muhammadah. Hobi saya membaca dan melihat film korea. saat ini saya sedang kuliah di universitas Airlangga Surabaya. di Surabaya saya tinggal bersama keluarga kakak saya. Setiap hari senin sampai Sabtu saya selalu mengantar keponakan saya ke sekolah mereka. setelah itu saya berangkat Kuliah dengan naik sepeda motor.

My Business

saya membantu usaha jualan barang online kakak saya. saya membantu mengupdate barang, packing, mengirim dan kegiatan lainnya. kadang saya bergantian dengan kakak saya membalas pertanyaan customer. selain itu saya membantu memasarkannya di media sosial saya. penghasilan saya tidak tetap karena mengikuti keuntungan yang diperolah dari usaha bisnis online kakak saya. setidaknya dalam 1 bulan saya bisa menabung 200.000 - 300.000. Syukurlah untuk keperluan kuliah saya sudah terbantukan dengan beasiswa dari kampus saya. saya akan belajar dan berusaha dengan giat agar nilai saya selalu memenuhi persyaratan beasiswa dari kampus saya ini.

Loan Proposal

Saya mengajukan pinjaman ini untuk tambahan membeli Smartphone. Smartphone saya hilang, terjatuh dari saku jaket saya ketika saya pulang dari kampus di malam hari. Sesampai di rumah, nomor saya sudah tidak bisa dihubungi lagi. sudah dipastikan smarphone saya sudah ditemukan orang dan tidak akan kembali. saya membutuhkan smartphone baru, dikarenakan akses komunikasi saya dengan teman kampus, dosen saya dan kakak pembimbing saya menggunakan what'sapp, Line dan media sosial lainnya. Selain itu ada kalanya beberapa Dosen mengadakan tugas online dimana saya harus online sedangkan wifi kampus saya kadang tidak lancar/ terganggu. saat ini saya sedang memakai handphone kakak saya yang baterainya cepat habis dan tetringnya agak lama karena masih 3G. sehingga tidak efisien dalam aktivitas saya mengerjakan tugas saya. Saya masih memiliki dana dari beasiswa saya yang bisa mencukupi sebagian pembelian HP saya ini. Saya berencana membeli Smartphone Xiomi yang harganya bersahabat. Saya berharap para Pendana mau membantu saya sekali lagi. Terima kasih






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 17, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months




Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Berkeley, United States


Chevy Chase, United States

Los Wade

United States



Geneva, Switzerland



United Kingdom

Dave Bogard

New York, United States


Emily Brown

United States

Elise E

United States


Switzerland, Switzerland


Julia Zaks

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Cathey Leach

United States


Bruce Garretson

Portland, Oregon, United States


United States

Ask Nuril a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

May 17, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Apr 30, 2018 $2.27 Apr 20, 2018 $2.27
May 7, 2018 $2.27 Apr 23, 2018 $2.27
May 14, 2018 $2.27 Apr 28, 2018 $2.27
May 21, 2018 $2.27 Apr 28, 2018 $2.27
May 28, 2018 $2.27 Apr 28, 2018 $2.27
Jun 4, 2018 $2.27 Apr 28, 2018 $0.36
May 2, 2018 $1.91
Jun 11, 2018 $2.27 May 2, 2018 $2.27
Jun 18, 2018 $2.27 May 2, 2018 $2.27
Jun 25, 2018 $2.27 May 2, 2018 $0.36
May 3, 2018 $0.76
May 8, 2018 $1.15
Jul 2, 2018 $2.27 May 8, 2018 $2.27
Jul 9, 2018 $2.27 May 8, 2018 $2.27
Jul 16, 2018 $2.27 May 8, 2018 $1.11
May 17, 2018 $1.15
Jul 23, 2018 $2.27 May 17, 2018 $2.27
Jul 30, 2018 $0.36 May 17, 2018 $0.36
