Purchased a broken motorcycle stop


Jakarta Pusat , Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $19 goal


days left




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

25 installments  •  40%

About Me

Hello good morning introduce my name tiar ardiansyah age 20 years I graduated from Smk muhammadiyah 11 jakarta central Administration office. I live jakarta and still with my parents I work in a retail company and now is opening a business selling computer sperpat and computer service and hp besides that I also have a side job like Ojek online to supplement my income to help my sister school expenses. because it is my duty to work hard as a bone of kluarga.

My Business

I have a business selling computer seperpat, hp and computer service would also hp. income from selling sperpat mau lun service it monthly if rame can sampe 5jt per month if lonely at least 2jt per month. and I also have a steady job in a retail company that has a moderate income of 3.7 months. but the funding is still not enough for the cost of my motorcycle and my family drmh. and my side job yaiti ojek online who have a monthly income 2jt per month. with this hope you can help me borrow money for my motor.saya who is damaged to buy konci koni koniam cost money until 300rb. thank you

Loan Proposal

I need this fund to buy my broken motorcycle outlet. at a cost of 300rb karna kalo my motor is damaged for hard work to buy goods difficult for inter goods and business that I run will be hampered by this I beg the help of father to help.

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About Me

Hallo selamat pagi

perkenalkan nama saya tiar ardiansyah umur 20 tahun saya lulusan dari Smk muhammadiyah 11 jakarta pusat Administrasi perkantoran. saya tinggal jakarta dan masih bersama orang tua saya saya bekerja di perusahaan ritel dan sekarang sedang membuka usaha menjual sperpat komputer dan servis komputer dan hp selain itu saya juga mempunyai pekerjaan sampingan seperti Ojek online untuk menambah penghasilan saya untuk membantu biaya sekolah adik saya. karna itu kewajiban saya harus bekerja keras sebagai tulang pungung kluarga.

My Business

Saya mieliliki usaha jual seperpat komputer, hp dan servis komputer mau pun hp. penghasilan dari jual sperpat mau lun servis itu perbulan kalo rame bisa sampe 5jt perbulan kalo sepi ya paling 2jt perbulan. dan saya juga memiliki pekerjaan tetap di perusahaan ritel yang memiliki penghasilan cukup kisaran 3.7 perbulan. tetapi dana itu masih blm cukup untuk biaya motor dan keluarga saya drmh. dan pekerjaan sampingan saya yaiti ojek online yang memiliki penghasilan perbulan 2jt perbulan. dengan ini semoga bapak bapak bisa membantu saya meminjam kan dana untuk keperluan motor.saya yg sedang rusak untuk membli stop kontak konci yg memakan biaya sampe 300rb. terimakasih

Loan Proposal

saya membutuhkan dana ini untuk membeli stop kontak motor saya yg rusak. dengan biaya 300rb karna kalo motor saya rusak buat kerja susah untuk beli barang susah buat antar barang dan usaha yg saya jalanin akan terhambat dengan ini saya memohon bantuan dari bapak bapak untuk membantu.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 20, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks


Stefan Koshold

Mülheim, Germany

Ask Tiar a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Tiar    Jan 20, 2018

    Alhamdulillah business selling ornamental fish also

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  • Ayu    Jan 10, 2018

    Welcome to join the community zidisha brother tiar ardiansyah. Introduce me your Ayu Paramita Volunteer Mentor in zidisha. My job is to help you to know the loan features in zidisha and can maximize all loan project you submitted to get on time and get faster credit increase for more details it can contact my contact on click help & there is no WA me which can be contacted Successfully thank you

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  • Ayu    Jan 9, 2018

    best regards ya brother tiar ardiansyah I am ayu paramita Volunteer Mentor you are in zidisha. My job helps you get to know the loan features that zidisha gives to its members. And we can exchange experience as long as I use zidisha loans to help my business If anything has not understood how to submit a proposal to be quickly funded, how to change installments to be smaller & bigger may contact me at my help and WA clicks on the no. I will be happy to help oh yes for your loan application expired in the nominal 7,000,000 IDR is it through MLF Deposite or due to an error system due to this nominal submission of this time you zoom out? And for MLF / deposite to zidisha system must have valid ID / ID that will be used to take your MLF deposite when your loan is paid off / no active loan in zidisha Deposit MLF withdrawal will not affect the level of credit limit you have got with using MLF In the discussion you can upload photos of your online business activities & updates your activities so that the lenders can see first hand the potential of your business in the future Editing profile feature you can use if the proposal is not maximal enough so long in the response lenders. Replacing photos, writing your profile, your business details, & your borrowing purpose explain in detail so lenders can compare your proposal with other members detailed proposals have more value & plus ontime repairment is always 100%. hopefully my experience can inspire you & can maximize your business potential in the future & get a high credit limit so enough to support your efforts greetings successful thank you

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  • Tiar    Jan 6, 2018

    Need a loan to buy a means of transportation for business karna with me to buy a motorcycle can make buying goods online shop without using ojek online or expedition

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  • Tiar    Jan 4, 2018

    why I add my loan dikarnakan for semester fees and less funds if the allow me directly pay off on 25 kalo not pay aampe Monday not bsa join semester lecture

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  • Tiar    Oct 8, 2017

    need funds for college supplies

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