Mining business


Accra, Ghana

113% paid forward




Member since

August 2019

On-time repayments

20 installments  •  50%

About Me

Twum Emmanuel is my name, I'm from Asamama in Eastern part of Ghana. I'm 22year now,I'm dark in complexion, Saint Anthony senior high is name of my school, completed in year 2019 due to money problem I couldn't further my education yet. The name of my Father is Paul Danso and the name Mother is Victoria Danso,the occupation of my Dad's Farmer and Mon's Trade, We all live together.
Since I completed SHS to now I have work as mobile money agent about three now and I have more Experience about the business,so please I want you guys (ZIDISHA LENDERS) help me to get my owner Merchant Sim card(MOBILE MONEY SIM CARD) to set my owner money mobile business so please I need some Capital to purchase the sim card.

My Business

I want to setup a business which I used to carry on about three years now, which is called mobile money (MOMO).I need Merchant Sim card and some capital to setup my own business.

Project Proposal

I need this loan very urgent to my works include my apartment and also to improve my business, first of all if I get this loan it will help me a lot to the big machine for my mining sector, secondly, everyone one in my company will be willing to work hard to make the company improve.






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 2, 2021



Accra, Ghana


Nairobi, Kenya

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Twum

$76 (3 Projects)

Projects funded by Twum's Pay It Forward recipients

$897 (36 Projects)

Twum paid it forward to: