Breeding ornamental fish

Ratna Aprilya

Surakarta, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $150 goal


days left



Ratna Aprilya

Member since

November 2015

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name Ratna Nugrahani Aprilia, 26 years old, used to be called in April, I was born and raised in the city of Surakarta, Central Java. From the time I was little I really like fish, after I finish my education at one university in the city of Surakarta, I think fish are not only on display at the aquarium and fed, but my hobby can make money. Ornamental fish almost favored in all circles ranging from children to adults, sometimes ornamental fish enthusiasts are willing to spend hundreds of dollars to buy fish dreams.

My Business

I run a business that has a sale value of eminence, process and seed treatments that are not too complicated, ornamental fish farmed particular area still has huge potential. __ For the process of breeding and seed treatments currently I employ two people, of course with this business I am able to provide jobs for them. With the capital increase of funding in zidisha, would I use for breeding and sale of ornamental fish with estimated profits of $ 80 per week .__ For sales I can take advantage of online media as advice promotion of production of ornamental fish, as well as banners, stickers and brochures are already running today ,

Loan Proposal

to increase the capital in breeding and seed treatments as well as ornamental fish sales to increase profits, is expected to increase profit this business can be enlarged, and increase income for me and able to provide jobs to more people around me, to improve the income and standard of living.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Ratna Aprilia Nugrahani, 26 tahun, biasa dipanggil April, saya lahir dan besar dikota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Dari waktu saya kecil saya sangat menyukai ikan hias, setelah saya menyelesaikan pendidikan saya disalah satu universitas di kota surakarta, saya berfikir ikan hias tidak hanya dipajang di aquarium dan diberi makan, tetapi hobi saya ini bisa menghasilkan uang. Ikan hias hampir disukai disemua kalangan dari mulai anak anak sampai orang dewasa, terkadang penggemar ikan hias rela mengeluarkan uang ratusan dolar untuk membeli ikan hias idamannya.

My Business

Bisnis yang saya jalankan ini memiliki nilai jual yg tinggi, proses dan perawatan benih yang tidak terlalu rumit, ikan hias yang dibudidayakan didaerah tertentu masih memiliki potensi yang sangat besar.
Untuk proses pembibitan dan perawatan benih saat ini saya mempekerjakan 2 orang, tentu saja dengan bisnis ini saya bisa memberikan pekerjaan bagi mereka. Dengan adanya penambahan modal dari pendana di zidisha, akan saya pergunakan untuk pembibitan dan penjualan ikan hias dgn estimasi keuntungan $80 per minggu.
Untuk penjualannya saya bisa memanfaatkan media online sebagai saran promosi produksi ikan hias, disamping spanduk, sticker dan brosur yang sudah berjalan saat ini.

Loan Proposal

untuk menambah permodalan dalam pembibitan dan perawatan benih serta penjualan ikan hias untuk menambah keuntungan, diharapakan dengan bertambahnya keuntungan dapat membesar bisnis ini, dan lebih menambah penghasilan bagi saya serta mampu memberikan pekerjaan kepada lebih banyak orang disekitar saya, untuk meningkatkan penghasilan dan taraf hidup.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 9, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months




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Ask Ratna Aprilya a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Rolf    Jan 16, 2016

    Would you please tell us why you are late in repayment and when we can expect some funds back? Thank you.

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  • Andreas    Jan 10, 2016

    have you didn't know how to pay the Zidisha's installments ? so if the issue you have was it ..please contact me at 085817012417 to receive tutorial on how to pay the Zidisha installment . I must to remind you this is a loan NOT A FREE FUND ! That means you have an obligation to pay the Zidisha's installments until PAID OFF ! I urge immediately fulfill your obligation! Do not embarrass yourself and degrading Indonesia as our nationallity only because you have not paid your Zidisha's installments !

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  • Nick    Jan 8, 2016

    Greetings Ratna,

    How is the fish business progressing? Do you plan to post any pictures of the business so we can see your success?


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