Onions & omena (fish) for grocery shop

Anderson Kitsao

Konjora, Kenya

100% repaid



Anderson Kitsao

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

68 installments  •  74%

About Me

My names are Anderson Kitsao Jeffwah and I stay in Konjora on the coast of Kenya close to Kilifi. I had little education just primary since little money. I have a a wife and five children and they have need of education. So I work as a gardener and security for a big house in Kilifi. Also, we have a kiosk in Konjora to add to our pockets where we sell unga, sima, soap and other things. The first born is in secondary. These girls are in primary at Dera Tuamini public school.

My Business

The kiosk is located in our small village and sells to the local people so they do not have to travel to town. This adds to the money we need to provide education for the children.

The Zidisha loans have been helpful to add to stock and increase the profit we have from the store. The first born started secondary school in January so I am thankful. Every little loan is a help.

Loan Proposal

With this loan, we will take advantage of good prices for onions and continue to sell the small fish called omena. Still we sell potatoes and bananas. With the loan of 749, we can profit about 200 Kenyan shillings in total. (That is about 2 US Dollars).
My family benefits and we have enough to pay school fees for the children.
God bless you Zidisha lenders! Asante sana





  • J    Jan 18, 2018

    Neat in time repayments with a few status updates.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 23, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


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