Web-hosting payments: Oct. 2018 to Oct. 2019


Cipayung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

November 2017

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  72%

About Me

I currently live in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is one of the places where democracy is consolidating intensely, however the economic challenge and issue of job creation just peaked. Dynamics amid increasingly uncertainty. Jakarta is a city where the spirit of citizens to improve the conditions of surrounding social environment , to find a solution , is gaining its momentum.

I was born in Jakarta, attended school in Bandung and Yogya, then went to college in Semarang. After graduating from my Master degree in Brisbane, I spent a long time working in the property field in accordance with my background of city planners. In this position learn a lot about property planning, the arrangement of buildings and urban spaces, coordination with stakeholders and so on. Until finally deciding to start my own business, which is still related to the realm of property, so that my previous point of view and experience in the field of property can be utilized. Devote our mind and energy, to create products that have an impact on the surroundings.

My Business

We believe that in addition to a good business model, availability of financial capital and team support. There is one most important factor: timing or momentum. I had the opportunity to learn about the importance of using momentum. When the "train" opportunity comes, we never really know when the second train will follow? or even whether there will be a second train? Just to share, when there are problems that require answers, and we happen to have knowledge about the solution, however small, it is important to be executed immediately. Walk the talk. Turn ideas into real products or services in an effort to find a solution.

Due to the fact that opportunities are so closely related to the context of time and environment, we do not know when the right combination of determination, the availability of our resources and the problems that require such a solution. Why for example, Uber and AirBnB can be so dominant, in addition to its business models and a solid team, of course the timing is essential. Uber and AirBnB can grow exponentially because in the early years (2008-2009) just fitting time context. when many households in America need economic side income. At that time the economic crisis hit the US state.

What we currently create is the property portal: RumahDimana.com, A digital buying and selling property platform: homes, apartments, shops, kiosks, plots of land. Especially the price below 2 Billion Rupiah, with the main feature of an interactive map. There is a need for people to sell or rent his property without being bothered by many procedures. Previously, when users want to find a house to buy, or rented apartments. Between the seller, the buyer and the location of the property are not well connected. With RumahDimana.com, the integration was put in place, in the form of an interactive visual map. Initially the process is fragmented and tend to be complicated. The added value that we deliver is interactive maps and more friendly interfaces.

In order overcome the competition, we adopt a new management system, driving the learning process with its cycle: Create - Measure-Learn. Continuously measure user responses, with clear and specific indicators to find out how far our products provide solutions for them.

We've started with a specific user market, ie those who've been advertising properties with offline media. It is important to get initial traction. Innovations are continuing to allow expanded capacities to blend with our local context and initial user profiles: property owners who are still relying on offline channels. We believe in the next 10 years, people are getting easier to transact online, including property. Infrastructure and marketing channels are increasingly supportive. Users are increasingly confident with the ease and reliability of online listings as well as the process of buying property.

Loan Proposal

Previous loans have been repaid. The next loan is used as a web hosting payment installment Oct 2018 to October 2019, amounting to IDR 2,700,000 or US $ 193. Also used for Search Engine Marketing implementation to get traction and new customers, of which cost USD75 per month.

Number of developments have been made on our platform (RumahDimana.com): A more interactive design and logical flow, content that is more focused on customer needs and more communicative email marketing capacity and social media to increase exposure

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About Me

Saya saat ini tinggal di Jakarta, kota paling padat di Indonesia , dimana demokrasi sedang terus diperjuangkan , dan masyarakat madani terus mengkonsolidasi diri. Di sisi tantangan ekonomi dan penciptaan lapangan kerja justru sedang mencapai puncaknya. Dinamika di tengah ketidakpastian yang semakin nyata. Jakarta adalah kota dimana semangat warga untuk memperbaiki kondisi sekitar, menemukan solusi sedang mendapatkan momentumnya.

Saya lahir di Jakarta, bersekolah sekolah di Bandung dan Jogja, kemudian melanjutkan kuliah di Semarang. Setelah menyelesaikan S2, saya cukup lama bekerja di bidang properti sesuai dengan latar belakang saya yakni perencana kota. Di posisi ini belajar banyak tentang perencanaan properti, penataan bangunan dan ruang kota , koordinasi dengan pemangku kepentingan dan sebagainya.

Sampai akhirnya memutuskan untuk memulai usaha sendiri, yang masih ada kaitannnya dengan bidang properti, dengan demikian sehingga sudut pandang dan pengalaman saya sebelumnya di bidang properti bisa dimanfaatkan. Mencurahkan pikiran dan tenaga, berusaha secara kontinyu menghasilkan nilai tambah.untuk membuat produk yang punya impact terhadap sekitar.

My Business

Kami percaya bahwa selain adanya model bisnis yang oke, ketersediaan modal dan dukungan tim. Ada satu faktor yang paling penting : timing atau momentum. Saya berkesempatan belajar tentang pentingnya memanfaatkan momentum. Saat 'kereta' kesempatan itu datang, kita sebenarnya tak pernah tahu kapan kereta yang kedua akan menyusul? atau bahkan apakah akan ada kereta kedua? Sekedar sharing , Saat ada permasalahan yang memerlukan jawaban, dan kebetulan kita punya pengetahuan tentang solusi itu, betapapun kecilnya, penting untuk segera dieksekusi. Walk the talk. Merubah ide menjadi bentuk produk atau jasa yang nyata sebagai upaya mencari solusinya.
Karena peluang sangat berkait dengan konteks waktu dan lingkungan, kita tak tahu kapan kombinasi yang pas antara itikad, ketersediaan sumberdaya kita dan permasalahan yang memerlukan solusi tersebut. Mengapa misalnya, Uber dan AirBnB bisa begitu mendominasi , selain busines model dan tim yang solid, tentu saja timing yang pas. Uber dan AirBnB bisa bertumbuh secara eksponensial karena di tahun awalnya (tahun 2008-2009) tepat saat banyak rumah tangga di Amerika sana perlu penghasilan ekonomi sampingan. Saat itu krisis ekonomi melanda negara US.
Yang saat ini kami buat adalah portal properti: RumahDimana.com, Sebuah platform digital jual beli properti : rumah, apartemen, toko, kios , tanah kavling. Terutama harga dibawah 2M, dengan fitur utama berupa peta interaktif. Ada kebutuhan orang untuk menjual atau menyewa properti nya tanpa direpotkan oleh banyak prosedur. Sebelumnya, saat pengguna mau mencari rumah yang mau dibeli, atau apartemen yang disewakan. Antara penjual, pembeli dan lokasi dari properti tidak terhubung dengan baik. Dengan RumahDimana.com, integrasi itu dibangun, dalam bentuk peta visual yang interaktif. Semula yang prosesnya terfragmentasi dan cenderung rumit. Nilai tambah yang kami berikan kami berupa peta dan interface yang lebih bersahabat.
Untuk mengatasi persaingan, kami mengadopsi sistem manajemen baru, mendorong proses belajar dengan siklusnya : Create – Measure-Learn. Secara kontinyu mengukur respons pengguna , dengan indikator yang jelas dan spesifik untuk mengetahui sejauh mana produk kami memberikan solusi bagi mereka.

Kami telah mulai dengan pasar pengguna yang spesifik, yakni mereka yang selama ini beriklan properti dengan media offline. Penting untuk mendapatkan traksi awal. Inovasi terus dilakukan agar kapasitasi berekspansi bisa padu dengan konteks lokal dan profil pengguna awal kami : para pemilik properti yang selama ini masih mengandalkan saluran offline.

Beberapa pengembangan telah dilakukan di platform kami. Desain dan logical flow yang lebih interaktif, content yang lebih fokus pada kebutuhan customer . Fitur untuk mendorong pengguna yang berasal dari kota - kota besar lain (Bandung, Surabaya, Yogya). Juga kapasitas email marketing yang lebih komunikatif dan sosial media untuk meningkatkan exposure

Loan Proposal

Pinjaman sebelumnya sudah dilunasi. Pinjaman berikutnya digunakan sebagai cicilan pembayaran web hosting Okt 2018 sampai Oktober 2019, sebesar IDR 2,700,000 atau US$193 . Juga digunakan untuk implementasi Search Engine Marketing untuk mendapatkan traksi dan pelanggan baru. Jumlahnya USD75 per bulannya

Beberapa pengembangan telah dilakukan di platform kami (RumahDimana.com) . Desain dan logical flow yang lebih interaktif, content yang lebih fokus pada kebutuhan customer serta kapasitas email marketing lebih komunikatif dan sosial media untuk meningkatkan exposure





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 18, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Jean Wren Chan

United States

Ask Mohammad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mohammad    Sep 17, 2018

    Previous loans have been repaid. The next loan is used as a web hosting payment installment Oct 2018 to October 2019, amounting to IDR 2,700,000 or US $ 193. Also used for Search Engine Marketing implementation to get traction and new customers. The realistic target can be 5 user premiums per week, each of which is IDR 40,000

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  • Mohammad    Jan 27, 2018

    Dear Lenders,
    We are really grateful for your kind support. Thank you for your trust. We hope that this idea and initiatives would able to deliver significant impact to our surrounding, and wider community in an on-going basis. Our website is "on " again over the last one month. We plan to spent it on online marketing as well as below the line, brochure, banner and so on. Strengthening measures in getting traction, gaining more beta -customer.

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  • Mohammad    Dec 28, 2017

    Dear Lenders ,
    It is more than happy to inform you that my website "RumahDimana.com" has "on air" again. Finally.
    Now we can start to take bold steps of marketing, in a totally new way. sharpening focus to targeted audience, engage with promising marketing channel, meet up new people and seeking mentor.

    We'll get back to you with good news and progress.

    Cheers and Best Regards.


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  • Mohammad    Dec 2, 2017

    I am quite confident with the process already running. Communications are also smooth and easy: via email and text sms

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  • Mohammad    Nov 27, 2017

    Dear Lenders.
    may all is well. well received . I have smoothly received my first loan. thank you very much.

    Once I obtain the amount that I needed, thus the internet hosting can be paid and extend over the next 1 (one) year, so my website www.rumahdimana.com can be 'on aired' again.

    Thank you again for your superb support.

    Warmest Regards.


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