Business development


Temanggung, Indonesia

6% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

56 installments  •  34%

About Me

My name is deviyati wulandari, I am a mother with 2 children, When I was in school my family was having financial difficulties, and I helped the family finances by making craft baskets for sale, and when I graduated from school I worked in an electronics company, but after I got married and got my son decided to build my own business that I named Alan shop because I want to grow and can give a better life for my children later, I would love to see my son"s success later, my hobby is any trade can bring money and it is still kosher I will definitely trade,

My Business

The business that I am in is the online and offline trade I named ALAN SHOP, alan shop provides clothing and electronics such as mobile phones etc, alan shop serving cash or credit, I chose this business because the results are very promising and tolerable to increase family finances, turnover that can I got from the beginning that only 10jta monthly alhamdullilah now has increased 30jta, From the turnover that profits that I get about 30%, the advantage I use to increase my business capital, and I hope big lender from the investors, this loan will be 3juta buy 2buah mobile from 2 pieces of handpone that my advantage is 100rb, when the phone was sold then the 3jta will I buy again mobile phone and profit that I will take, from that I am sure my business will grow, thanks

Loan Proposal

if I get this loan, then this loan of 3,000,000 I will use to buy 2buah mobile for stock in my shop, from 2handphone that my profit is 100rb, when the mobile phone is sold then the capital that 3juta it will be use again for mwmbeli phone again as a stock and profit that I can I will use for the needs, so I really hope to get this loan so that it can slowly advance my business, because my goal is to open jobs for people and can help many people, thank you

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About Me

Nama saya deviyati wulandari, saya ibu dengan 2orang anak, Waktu saya masih sekolah pernah keluarga saya mengalami kesulitan keuangan, dan saya mebantu keuangan keluarga dengan membuat kerajinan keranjang untuk bisa dijual, dan saat saya sudah lulus sekolah saya bekerja di sebuah perusahan elektronik,namun setelah saya menikah dan punya anak saya memutuskan untuk membangun usaha saya sendiri yang saya berinama Alan shop karena saya ingin berkembang dan bisa memberi kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk anak anak saya nanti, saya ingin sekali melihat anak anak saya sukses nantinya, hobi saya adalah berdagang apapun yang bisa mendatangkan uang dan itu masih halal pasti akan saya dagangkan,

My Business

Usaha yang saya geluti adalah berdagang online dan ofline yang saya berinama ALAN SHOP, alan shop menyediakan pakaian dan elektronik seperti handphone dll, alan shop melayani cash maupun credit, saya memilih bisnis ini karena hasilnya sangat menjanjikan dan lumayan untuk menambah keuangan keluarga, omset yang bisa saya dpt dari awalnya yang hanya 10jta perbulan alhamdullilah sekarang sudah meningkat 30jta, Dari omset itu keuntungan yang saya dapat sekitar 30%, keuntungan saya gunakan untuk menambah modal usaha saya , dan besar harapan saya mendapatkan pinjaman dari para investor, pinjaman sebesar 3juta ini akan saya belikan 2buah handphone dari 2 buah handpone itu keuntungan saya adalah 100rb, saat handphone itu terjual maka yang 3jta akan saya belikan lagi handphone dan profit yang akan saya ambil, dari itu saya yakin usaha saya akan semakin berkembang, terima kasih

Loan Proposal

jika saya mendapatkan pinjaman ini, maka pinjaman ini sebesar 3.000.000 akan saya gunakan untuk membeli 2buah handphone untuk stock ditoko saya, dari 2handphone tersebut keuntungan yang saya dapat sebesar 100rb, saat handphone itu terjual maka modal yang 3juta itu kembali akan saya gunakan untuk mwmbeli handphone lagi sebagai stock dan profit yang saya dapat akan saya gunakan untuk kebutuhan, dengan begitu saya sangat berharap mendapat pinjaman ini supaya bisa pelan pelan memajukan usaha saya, karena cita cita saya ingin membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk orang banyak dan bisa membantu banyak orang, terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 5, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

7 months



Stockholm, Sweden


Stafford, United Kingdom


Berkeley, CA, United States



United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States



United States


KHS Microfinance

Tampa, United States



Zurich, Switzerland



United States

Jake Badger

Roskilde, Denmark


Daniel Fehr-Krahn

Winnipeg, Canada


Matt Harris

United States


Paul Graham

United States

Rose Rodent

Scotland, United Kingdom

Aran Dunlop

United States

Rosario von Li

San Jose, Ca, United States


Johan O

Borlänge, Sweden



United Kingdom


Greger Cronquist

Göteborg, Sweden


Jan Andresen

Hamburg, Germany

Sinan Taifour

Munich, Germany, Germany

Craig Newmark

United States

Craig Travis Provyn

Bradenton, Florida, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States


Saint Louis, United States

Ask Deviyati a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • ADK    Mar 31, 2018

    Hi Deviyanti, how is business going?

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  • Deviyati    Nov 20, 2017

    Dear gentlemen, I thank you for being entrusted with getting a capital loan from zidisha, this is very helpful in my endeavor, alhamdullilah this week I have been in 2nd installment, in the future I hope it will be better so that I can always be right time in payment, thank you

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  • Deviyati    Oct 29, 2017

    Dear zidisha investor, alhamdullillah alan shop is now more advanced, already have a member card so be more neat again in the pembukuanya, this is all thanks to the help of zidisha too, I hope my loan to be immediately funded so I can immediately use to add stock in alan shop ,,, thanks

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  • Deviyati    Oct 25, 2017

    already 4hari I submitted my proposal dipuplikasikan, big hope I can immediately financed, hopefully investors are willing to immediately fund loans sa yes, if I get this loan I will use to buy mobile phones as additional stock in my store, thank you

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  • Deviyati    Oct 23, 2017

    Thank God I am grateful for my loan I have paid, hopefully I will gain the trust again get additional capital from zidisha again to advance my business,

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  • Deviyati    Oct 22, 2017

    If I get another loan from this zidisha I will use to increase my business capital, this loan is very help me to increase business capital, and I am sure if my capital adds then my business will be more advanced, and in the future I can open the field work for others

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  • Deviyati    Oct 22, 2017

    If I get this loan, I will fully use to add my merchandise as venture capital, I really feel help if I get this loan because this 2bulan I give birth and just can start selling again, from this loan I will get keutungan and profit it I will continue to circulate in order to advance my business, and in the future I can open the field work and help many people

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  • Deviyati    Oct 22, 2017

    alhamdullilah I was able to pay off my loan today, hopefully kedepanya I was given the trust again to get additional capital from the investors to promote my business, thank you

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  • Deviyati    Oct 17, 2017

    I just gave birth and can not sell anymore so my income is reduced and my needs are increasing, because if in the city I give birth identical like to entertain people who come, thank fate

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  • Muhammad    Sep 11, 2017

    I"ve phone contacted him. he will grad ontime again

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  • Deviyati    Aug 16, 2017

    Thank you for the trust given to me, hope that with this loan can advance the business I am developing, I will try to repay the loan on time.

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  • Deviyati    Aug 14, 2017

    If I get this loan I will use to add stock in my store "alan shop",

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  • Deviyati    Aug 9, 2017

    Thank you for the trust given to me, today I have paid the bills in this zidisha, hopefully kedepanya given more trust to be able to borrow to add capital for my business progress,

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  • Deviyati    Aug 5, 2017

    Photo stock

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  • Deviyati    Aug 5, 2017

    Alhamdullilah already can a little bit of stock for "Alan shop", began to propagate to the stock hand phone hopefully kedepanya can be better, and can develop amen

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  • Deviyati    Jul 27, 2017

    Alhamdullilah results of my efforts there is an increase so it can pay bigger than usual

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  • Deviyati    Jun 7, 2017

    Thank you, I received a loan from zidisha today, the amount of loan I received after deductions of 884,213, I will use this money to give the merchandise, and I will update it later in the future, thank you for my confidence I will try to Always on time in payment, thanks

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  • Deviyati    Jun 7, 2017

    thank you for the trust given to me, I will try to keep all the trust that has been given, this money will I use to buy merchandise anymore suapaya my effort being this pilot could be developed,

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  • Deviyati    May 6, 2017

    Thank God I did business running smoothly, by increasing the number of installments that immediately paid off,,,,

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  • Deviyati    Apr 29, 2017

    so that a quick loan is completed, because of the results of my efforts, I could have more results so that I can pay more

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