

Nairobi, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $53 goal


days left




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

48 installments  •  35%

About Me

I'm a single male parent of two lovely kids. The harsh economic climate in this country has led me to venture into different small scale businesses to give my children and I a comfortable life.
I grew up in a family of four where I'm a third born. Growing up was not a walk in the park, from an early age we were taught responsibility and life skills in many aspects of life. We learnt to respect property and earn through hard work. We had a small retail shop and through it and my education I learnt a bit of business which I have later applied to earn a supplementary income to support my small family and take them through school. I always enjoy implementing ideas and seeing them grow, hard work and earning an honest living.
My children are my life. I live and work so they can achieve their dreams. The girl is the oldest at 11years and she endeavours to venture into business and also become a big time actress. The boy is 9 and is very bright in school, he says he will become a famous athlete when he grows up. I have noticed both their talents and I support and encourage them through whatever means I can.
Kenya is my beautiful country and offers a lot from beautiful sceneries, wildlife, sports, infrastructure, entrepreneurship opportunities and much more. We're rich in agriculture and innovations.
Every year as a hobby, I and my kids save up to visit some of these places and just enjoy the beauty and diversity in our country. When not working, in school or visiting, we like to sit around, interact and enjoy each others company over a board game or cooking.

My Business

I'm trying out two ventures currently; agriculture and clothing. 
I have leased a small piece of land which I'm cultivating green vegetables to sell to retailers and final consumers. I'd wish to expand this and supply more. Currently this is a big challenge for me because the little resources I get from the sales I have to divide it between the farm and home expenses since currently I've been put out of work. The farm really helps a lot as I get food for my house and also sell to the markets. I'd like to expand on this to help meet my needs without hurting the farm returns. At the moment, I have to rent a water pump to pump water to the Shamba, fuel for the pump, fertilizers and manure and also pesticides. I'd wish to buy a pump and more pipes to avoid this costs and this will help pump water regularly and thus increasing my yields. 

My second venture is a clothing stall which I started with some money I saved from my last job. I buy and sell second hand baby clothes and beddings and it does fairly well. I use the revenue I gain from this to restock on more clothes to meet my customers' demands, pay rent and also fend for my home. This leaves little or nothing for savings or much needed expansion. 
I intend to partition the space to make room for a mobile money outlet as well as prepaid electricity tokens. This will provide a much needed service to the local residents and also supplement on the revenues from the clothing business. In turn, it will improve life for everyone around.

Loan Proposal

I needed a loan of USD. 249
I've since been working hard to raise build trust and raise my loan limit buy investing and paying off the loans I get promptly.
Im glad to submit I've done the ploughing, planted, sold seedlings which did very well, and planted others that also did very well.
I have been making some good returns on the loans I've been getting and clearing them in good time with some profits to spare.
We're at the beginning of the year and it's mostly dry and humid, I use this time to prepare my land and it's no different this time around as we wait for the rains. I just took my kids back to school and that took a huge dent to my savings because two of them were registering in new schools.
I'm now in need of USD 150 to help me in the prepping of my land. Of this, I need a Zidisha loan of about USD 59 to top up to what I already have. The funds will be used for tilling, purchase of manure and seeds and paying the farm hand. I already purchased the water pump from the previous loan and so it will be easy from there. I must admit, farming Is fun and especially with friends and assistance from you. I'm ever so grateful to the Zidisha family.
I look forward to your greatly appreciated support on this.
It will go a long way to improving my little family's life more because as it stands I'm already reaping benefits from Zidisha support as I no longer buy vegetables for my domestic use.

Thanks so much Zidisha and all your supporters.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 3, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

6 months




seattle, United States

Ask John a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Sep 16, 2018


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Mar 11, 2018 $1.97
Mar 18, 2018 $1.97
Mar 25, 2018 $1.97
Apr 1, 2018 $1.97
Apr 8, 2018 $1.97
Apr 15, 2018 $1.97
Apr 22, 2018 $1.97
Apr 29, 2018 $1.97
May 6, 2018 $1.97
May 13, 2018 $1.97
May 20, 2018 $1.97
May 27, 2018 $1.97
Jun 3, 2018 $1.97
Jun 10, 2018 $1.97
Jun 17, 2018 $1.97
Jun 24, 2018 $1.97
Jul 1, 2018 $1.97
Jul 8, 2018 $1.97
Jul 15, 2018 $1.97
Jul 22, 2018 $1.97
Jul 29, 2018 $1.97
Aug 5, 2018 $1.97
Aug 12, 2018 $1.97
Aug 19, 2018 $1.97
Aug 26, 2018 $1.97
Sep 2, 2018 $1.97
Sep 9, 2018 $1.97
Sep 16, 2018 $0.52
