Poultry farm


Embu, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  80%

About Me

i was brought up in embu county and studied there.i come to overcome hardship by starting farming of chicken of which i started in 2010 that was after my form 4.the cost that i incur are expenses from buying food and medicine.of which i use to feed the chicken and medicine to treat the sick ones and revenue from the sale of chicken and eggs
the little i get from this venture i reinvest and some pay my school fees

My Business

am a farmer of which i keep chickens since 2014 immediately after form 4.i sale eggs,meat and manure to local community as a sources of food hence the demand is high its easy to manage my typical cost are expenses from buying chicken feeds and medicine and revenue from sale of chicken product,i want my children to have a bright future i use the profit for my school fees and some i reinvest back in business

Loan Proposal

Loan propasal
Business plan
Poultry farm
Embu Kenya

1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Keys to success
1.3 Missions
1.4 Risks
2. Company
2.1 Company ownership
2.2 Start-Up Summary
2.3 Company locations and facilities
3. Services
3.1 Competitive Comparison
3.2 Service description
3.3 Fulfillment
3.4 Technology
3.5 Future Services
4. Market Analysis
4.1 Target market segment strategy
4.2 Market needs
4.3 Market segmentation
5. Strategy and Implementation summary
5.1 Attracting customers
5.2 SWOT analysis
5.3 Sales strategy
6. Management summary
6.1Personnel plan
7. Financial plan
7.1 Start-up funding
7.2 Projected profit and loss
7.3 Break-even analysis

1. Introduction
This is the business plan of Nicholas maundu created to help starting large a poultry farm. This business plan is part of project my to start a large poultry farm of which it will be able to assist the community as it will provide employment opportunity and also serve as a source of food and also help improve living standards of locals also serve as example.

1.2 Keys to success
I believe that this poultry farm will be a great success because I have the experience that is required since have been in the business from 2014.and the conditions in Embu are favorable for pouty farming

1.3 Missions
The mission of our poultry farm is to make poultry product readily available in large quantity to a greater population. In such a way that the Embu population will have access to all the products. Also the farm can be used as place where persons can come and learn one or two things about poultry farming. Thereby the farm is supposed to be a place where people of all ages will come to enjoy the unique, upscale, educational, and innovative environment that the farm provides.

1.4 Risks
The main risks in establishing any business at all is always the demand. Will there be enough demand for my product, will there be enough interest in it? Won't we go bankrupt due to lack of interest? These risks are also present in the soon to come poultry farms.

2 Company
The farm which will be realized will offer the community of dallas easy and affordable access to the poultry product. The farm will appeal to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The instructional farming classes, and the staff that the farm provides, will appeal to the audience that does not associate themselves with the farming of poultry. This educational aspect will attract younger and elderly members of the community who are rapidly gaining interest in the unique resources that farming classes are offering.

2.1 Company Ownership
As this business plan will not be used by me the ownership will party owned by the investor who will wish to be a part of farm

2.2 Start-up Summary
Start-up Expense Details:
Housing 1 $200
Chickens 1000@1$ $1000
Feeds 24bags@30$ $720
Electricity Bill For 2 yrs $480
Water Bill For 2 yrs $500
Incubator 1 $1000
Medicines Estimate $500
Labor 4 employees $1000
Equipment 30 units $500
Generator 1 $700
TOTAL $6600

2.3 Company Locations and Facilities
The site where the farm will be located is at embu dallas as the location is advantageous. The location will be close to town where produce will be timely delivered. We will have to put up housing which will be able to accommodate more chickens, electricity and water readily is available in nearby.

3. Services
Firstly the farm will grant the customers access to poultry product once they have started laying eggs. Besides that, the farm will provide the opportunity to use the input that can be rent out other farmers at a cheaper fee. And also give back to community that is supply some to children homes nearby.

3.1 Competitive comparison
The farm is located at advantageous point near the market compared to other firms around the area. And also the experience I have will be an added advantage to our farm.

3.2 Service description
The farm provide our customers all product of poultry including eggs, meat and manure that is used as fertilizer, incubation services and day old chicks for sale.

3.4 Technology
The farm will use state of art technology such as nipple drinking system for watering.
3.5 Future services
I hope In The 3rd year farm to have generated enough revenue I will be able to install automatic feeding system and egg collecting system and increase the number of chickens.

4. Market Analysis
The main goal of any business is to make a profit by providing services, that are required by customers. To achieve this however, certain requirements have to be met, what is the average price, how can a profit be achieved, and what does the market want?

4.1 Target market segment strategy
Our main intentions are to connect people to the farm, increase their knowledge by teaching them the various way of poultry farming increase their social setting, by a new way of farming People will come to the farm to check how to keep chickens and exchanging ideas on farming.

4.2 Market Needs
There is a high demand for pouty product of which we will be looking at satisfying customer needs. And also making value addition to some of the product

5. Strategy and Implementation Summary
It’s my hope will get the required capital so as to implement the Idea. all that is required is finances.

5.2 SWOT analysis This section will focus on the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. SWOT is an abbreviation for: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. Strength The strength that the farm will have is its dominant position in the local. Weakness Besides the strengths each company/business has its weaknesses. Weakness can lead to a decrease of a company's success and development. The weakness of the farm is disease and feeds prices. Opportunities As any other farm the farm has its opportunities. Having certain opportunities offers an farm a possibility to expand their turnover. An opportunity of the farm is that the population is slowly increasing. This will in turn increase demand of poultry product. Threats The farm will be mostly competition

6. Management summary
The farm itself does not require a lot of employees. Therefore the farm structure isn’t too complicated. In this section the intended future farm structure is further explained.
6.1 Personnel plan
The farm requires just a handful of employees in order to function. In total farm will count a staff of a least four persons. These four can be divided in two groups. At first there are two farm attendants which will be spending their time looking after chickens. The other will be attending issues concerning health of poultry

7. Financial plan
The following sections lay out the details of the financial plan for the future years.

7.1 Start-up funding
The farm will not have the pleasant condition of a start-up fund. Thereby the farm should be self providing and also earn back the made costs.

7.2 Projected profit and loss
Profit and loss Year 1($) Year 2 ($) Year 3 ($)
Estimated no of trays 0 10890 10890
Price $2.5 $2.5 $3
Total sales 0 27225 32,670

Labor 500 500 250
Water 100 150 250
Electricity 240 150 100
Medicines 250 100 50
Fuel 100 100 100
Marketing 50 50 50
Total expenses 1240
1050 800

Total sales 0 27,225 32,670
Total expenses -1,240 1,050 800
Profit/loss -1,240 26,175 31,870

7.3 Break-even analysis According to our calculations the expected break-even date will after 2 years of the of operation





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 22, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


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