Feed and medication for poultry farming


Nairobi-kangemi, Kenya

34% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

110 installments  •  25%

About Me

I am Robert Kevogo born in 1974. Iam married with two kids. I live in Kenya, Nairobi City, West Lands Constituency Kangemi village. I schooled at Sinoko primary and Secondary schools in respectively. I did a diploma in entrepreneurship at the Nairobi Technical Training Institute. Perseverance, endurance and hard work has been the only key to success in my life. After completion of my diploma education, i borrowed five thousand Kenya shillings from one of my tutors with an intention of investing i poultry; which i successfully did. I constructed three small cages in our compound and used them as my chicken houses. The only uniqueness in this area is that there is limited land.one needs to think out side the box in order to succeed in life. There are plenty of opportunities to those who have interest in them. My two children admire to become a doctor and a pilot. The main hobby that i maintain in my life is being creative and socializing.

My Business

My business is poultry rearing. Keep and sell poultry products to city residents and hoteliers. These products are of high demand due to mushrooming hotels in the city. Also, most house holds around believe i n spicing their meals with poultry products. The main reason why i chose this venture is because of these ready market and access to customers. The main costs incurred are in relation to the purchase of poultry medical equipment and feeds. Most of my revenue and income/ profits come from the sale of eggs,broilers and old layers. The main use of my profit is in improving my business and educating my kids.

Loan Proposal

If granted the loan, i intend to use it as here below; I will invest five thousand Kenya shillings in the purchase of chick mash and growers mash which i will feed my chicks for the first few weeks. This is an equivalent of 56 US Dollars. Two thousand Kenya shillings will go to the purchase of medical supplies for vaccination and treatment of ailments such as coccidiosis which mostly affect young flock. This is an equivalent of 22.2 US Dollars. I intend to invest 1,500 K sh in the purchase of feeding pans for my chicken. This is an equivalent of 16.7 US Dollars. The profits from this business is projected to be 16.7US dollars from the sale of eggs a day. Older layers will sell at 4.4 US dollars which will be not less than 440 US dollars at the end of the farming period. Broilers will sell at 4.4 US dollars which will total to 220 US dollars at the end of the farming season.(Farming season refers to the period from chicks to disposal/selling) . The profit will enable me to educate my children, widen my business and employ three people(creating employment to the society)to assist me in running the business.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 12, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

25 months




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  • Dauglas    May 3, 2015

    Dear lenders, Robert Kevogo is not responding to the calls and he has not fulfilled as he promised to repay his installments. He has resolved to switch off his phones either making it difficult to find him. Kindly be patient as I try to reach his physical location and update you.V.M

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  • Dauglas    Apr 3, 2015

    Hi Lenders, I have tried to reach Robert Kevogo over his past due arrears but cant find him on phone. some of his contact friends are not receiving calls either. I will keep on trying till I reach him. Kind regards
    V.M Dauglas Mwanga

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  • Robert    Feb 24, 2015

    After investing the whole amount lend to me in the purchase of the new flock, feeds and some medical supplies, It will take some time for the business to pick up fully ie for the new flock to mature and be ready for sale. This reduced payment will allow me time to remit my dues on time.

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