"Jafra" body- & face-care products, shoes, and "Batam" bags


Sukabumi, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $88 goal


days left




Member since

June 2018

On-time repayments

9 installments  •  100%

About Me

hi my name is Hetty Mariani, I am a housewife having two children and working as a teacher I was not born of a simple family, my parents are police My mother is a housewife, I have the talent to sell to follow my mother, credit, etc. until I I also took this hobby to trade, credit for goods from small to large,

My Business

I have an online shop on Tokopedia and have monthly income from teaching. I have been doing business several times from having an angkot, car rental etc. from the electronic business I have lived on when I got married. I"ve been a brownie cake business with 9 employees until the month has a fantastic turnover but it"s called a tidal business, but I didn"t give up I pioneered my business in clothing, beauty, etc., until now my business remains in online share of clothes, bags, glasses and other equipment until my household appliance is shared into my online merchandise Thank God, every day there is someone who buys, I sell the cellphone case on my online, I sell on Facebook too, on Instagram and in wa let alone yesterday"s turnover when the month Lebaran fasting full of orders, I sell online from 2012 Alhamdulillah until now still d it increases, which orders all of Indonesia

Loan Proposal

With this loan fund, I will buy Jafra brand beauty and body care products that are world-famous, even though these products are very expensive but there are many who use them from small children, adults to parents, this jafra product is safe for skin. chemical bleach etc, jafra is also very good for future business the benefits are very good for the future, besides jafra"s cosmetic stock with this fund I will buy the original Batam bag, shoes, which is now booming among young people and adults in general inventory That"s why with this fund I want to fulfill the stock for sales this month so that my business is smooth and the profit is good because every day there is always a purchase from Cust Online, I sell on Facebook and Instagram by browsing products and bags that are in now. , and lots of enthusiasts

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About Me

hai nama saya Hetty Mariani,saya seorang ibu rumahtangga mempunyai anak dua dan bekerja sebagai guru tk saya lahir dari keluarga sederhana ,orang tua saya seorang polisi ibu saya seorang ibu rumahtangga tangga ,saya punya bakat berjualan mengikuti ibu saya,kreditan barang ,dll sampai saya menikah pun hobby ini saya bawa berdagang ,kredit barang dari yg kecil sampai yang besar ,

My Business

saya punya toko online di Tokopedia dan mempunya penghasilan perbulan dari mengajar
saya sudah beberapa kali berbisnis dari punya angkot,rental mobil dll
dari bisnis meubeul elektronik pernah di jalani pas baru menikah jatuh bangun pasang surut sangat lah memacu saya untuk menjadi seorang bisnis woman yg berhasil sampai pernah saya bisnis kue brownies dengan 9 orang karyawan sampai perbulan nya mempunyai omset yg fantastis tapi namanya usaha pasang surut ,tapi saya tidak menyerah saya rintis kembali usaha saya di bidang pakaian ,kecantikan dll ,sampai sekarang usaha saya tetap di online share baju,tas ,kacamata dan perlengkapan lainnya sampai alat rumah tangga saya share menjadi dagangan di online saya Alhamdulillah tiap hari ada aja yg beli ,casing hp pun saya jual di online saya ,saya berjualan di Facebook juga ,di Instagram dan di wa apalagi kemaren omset ketika akan lebaran bulan puasa penuh dengan orderan ,saya berjualan online dari tahun 2012 Alhamdulillah sampai sekarang masih dan bertambah ,yang pesan seluruh Indonesia

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana pinjaman ini saya akan membeli produk kecantikan dan perawatan tubuh merk jafra yg terkenal di dunia,walaupun produk ini sangat mahal tetapi banyak sekali yang memakainya dari kalangan anak kecil ,dewasa sampai orang tua,produk jafra ini selain aman bagi kulit produk ini juga bebas kimia pemutih dll,jafra pun sangat bagus untuk bisnis masa depan keuntungan nya sangat bagus untuk masa mendatang,selain stok kosmetik jafra dengan dana ini saya akan membeli tas Batam asli,sepatu ,yang sekarang sedang booming di kalangan anak muda dan dewasa pada umumnya persediaan barang sudah habis makanya dengan adanya dana ini saya mau memenuhi stok untuk penjualan bulan ini supaya bisnis saya lancar dan keutungan nya bagus karena setiap hari selalu ada pembelian dari cust online ,saya berjualan di fb dan Instagram dengan mengeshare produk produk tas dan sepatu yg sedang in sekarang ,dan banyak sekali peminat nya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Ask Hetty a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Hetty    Oct 9, 2018

    Thank you very much to those who have funded me, hopefully the benefits and benefits of my business run smoothly. Thank you Zidisha

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  • J    Oct 9, 2018

    Your loan is now fully funded. Please keep us posted with news and photos.

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  • Hetty    Sep 27, 2018

    Thank you for those who have funded my online business. Thank God, there are many people who buy, but why can"t they borrow directly

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  • Hetty    Sep 6, 2018

    Thank you, I say to those who have funded, I will use the money for business capital

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  • Hetty    Aug 15, 2018

    I thank you for giving me the loan, I hope that with this loan I can expand my business

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  • Hetty    Jul 22, 2018

    thank you for providing funds to me, I will use this fund for my business

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