Purchase of a second hand motorbike


Nairobi, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

330 installments  •  42%

About Me

Am Walter Maseki, 25 years of age, went to Logitech primary school, since am so concerned with my future i had no option than to just work hard and get better grades. have done other businesses here and there and finally landed to selling clothes. i had accumulated my pocket money back in high school hence capital for my first business, electronics. The uniqueness in this land is that if u identify a good business niche you surely prosper. Am now dating not yet married but planning to later. i like playing hockey.

My Business

I sell men, women and children classic clothes in easleight. The Products i have are very useful and are in high Demand. The reason as to why i chose this job is because it has a good profit and there are few credits as compared to the other businesses. I now have a revenue of approximately 210,000 kes. i plough back the profits and also use them to do my developments. recently i got an ict job but the company laptop was stolen so i need to buy my own. Am also working for a private ict company and Zidisha helped me get a laptop that has helped me greatly. Through my struggle have helped my dad in drilling a borehole in our rural area and hes now growing some vegetables and also we plan to rare sheep and our target is 50 sheep for the start.

Project Proposal

I would use the funds to buy a second hand motorcycle to help me in moving from one point to another. This will help me to save on transport costs. i.e. my own movements and that of my family. its too expensive to pay motorbike guy each and every time you want to move from one place to the other. I expect to have more savings to enlarge my mtumba business through the savings.






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 6, 2023



Jacaranda Watamu, Kenya



San Francisco, CA, United States





Sean Sullivan

Austin, TX, United States


Lusaka, Zambia

Ask Walter a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Walter

$242 (5 Projects)

Projects funded by Walter's Pay It Forward recipients

$811 (43 Projects)

Walter paid it forward to: