Distance-learning course in Childhood Education


Tema, Ghana

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $150 goal


days left




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

59 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Cynthia and I come from Kpando in the Volta region of Ghana. I come from the Éwé tribe and also speak the Éwé language. I love reading a lot. I am married to John Delanyo, who works at the Ports and Harbour Authority of Ghana. We have three lovely children: Cynthia Delanyo (who was named after me), Esinam Delanyo, and Marcus Kwesi Delanyo. Cynthia is attending university, studying Accounting. Esinam is in senior high school, focusing on science. "Marcus K.", as we always call him at home, is in junior high school and aspires to become a business owner to help increase the rate of employment in our country. I am trained as a teacher by profession. Sewing is my hobby.

My Business

I am a teacher by profession. I am a Stage-3 pupil teacher. I love kids a lot and love to be with them, studying their behaviours and also reading about them. Sometimes I organize programmes for mothers to give them more insight about the behaviours of children and how to handle them at their different stages in life. It's always a wonderful time together with the parents. Being a teacher has not been easy, having to repeat explanations until the last pupil understands, etc. But it's been really fun being with children. They always make me happy, even though some of them are very, very stubborn. School starts at 8am and officially closes at 3pm. Teachers are supposed to be at the school by 7am to supervise the sweeping of the compound and of the classrooms before lessons start.

Loan Proposal

Being a teacher and a parent have been two of my greatest challenges in life. Students look up to you, and you also shape the the behaviour of your children as to how they live their lives. I have had proposals from some mothers to take their children through some classes, when they vacate from school, to keep them engaged. I need to take an extra course to acquire more knowledge about teaching children, which I hope to do on Phoenix online. Also, getting a certificate in this field could give me an extra job and additional income. I have been able to save some money, but I need about $150 more to be able to pay the fees for the course. I need your support to put smiles on the faces of parents, and especially of the children. Thank you.

[Proofread & Edited (for clarity & to correct typos)
by Zidisha Volunteer Staff Member, Laurie:

Show original English  

About Me

My name is Cynthia and I come from Kpando in the Volta region of Ghana. I come from the ewe tribe and also speak the ewe language. I love reading a lot. I am married to Mr. John Dela yo who works at the Ghana ports and harbour authority of Ghana. We have three lovely kids namely Cynthia Dela yo who took after my name, Esinam Delanyo, and Marcus Kwesi Delanyo. Cynthia is in the university studying accounting as her course. Esinam is in the senior high school offering the course science. Marcus K. as we always call him at home is in the junior high school and aspires to become a business owner increasing the rate of employment in our country. I am trained teacher by profession. Sewing is my hobby.

My Business

I am a pupil teacher by profession. I love kids a lot and love to he with them studying their behaviours and also reading about them. Sometimes I organize programmes for mothers and give them more insight about the behaviours of children and how to handle them at their different stages in life. Its always a wonderful time together with the parents. Being a teacher has not been easy, shouting here and there, repeating explanations till the last pupil understands, etc. Its been real fun being with children. They always make me happy even thought some of them are very very stubborn. School starts at 8:am and officially closes at 3pm. Teachers are supposed to be in school latest by 7am to supervise the sweeping of the compound and classrooms before lessons start. I am a stage 3 pupil teacher.

Loan Proposal

Being a teacher and a parent has been one of my greatest challenge, where parents and students are looking up to you and the behaviour of your children to also live their lives. I have had proposals from some mothers to take their children through some classes whether they vacate from school to keep them engaged. I need to do an extra course to get more knowledge about teaching children phoenix d also getting a certificate on this field which can give me an extra job with extra salary. I have been able to save some money and I need about $159 more to top up to pay the fees for the course. I need your support to put smiles on the faces of parents especially the children. Thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 7, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

13 months



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Lotus Flower

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Paul Graham

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Ask Cynthia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Emma    Dec 20, 2015

    You going ok Cynthia? Noticed you've missed your first 8 payments. You can contact Zidisha and alter your payments if the amount is too daunting. Hope things are going alright for you :-)

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  • Cynthia    Sep 28, 2015

    Thank you lenders for fully funding my loan. I am grateful

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  • Metrine    Sep 25, 2015

    best wshes

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