School land for joyland prime academy


Mombasa, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

46 installments  •  46%

About Me

Living on a semi-desert, Kang’ole area in Uganda, I was among 5 who went to school out of over 200 youths in the area. At the beginning, my friend, Wabwire who studied at Lwatama Primary School helped me to read and write.

While on grazing grounds with my friend Wabwire, I requested him to teach me how to read and write. I paid him tuition fee of roasted cassavas, ripe bananas and mangoes. He dearly accepted my tuition fee. He was a very good teacher.

Through him I was able to read and write in Swahili and English. I used my skill to write the name of my father on different trees along roads and walls. When two village elders read it, they passed information to my father. He got shocked!. In the evening of a Sunday, while totally drunk, he called me and told me to go to school, 13 kilometers away from home. I went to school on Monday without school books, pens, shoes, bag, place to stay, food, so on. I walked all the 26 kilometers per day to school with hope to succeed in life. I went to school for 2 days and decided to burn charcoal to get money for school supplies and food. I did it until I completed 7 years of primary education. In high school I became great charcoal, alcohol seller and farmer to pay my tuition fees. This helped me to complete high school.
With no option to university education, I got married then left for Mombasa in search of a job. I was successful to secure a job at private security company, Fast Force/911.
After two years, my wife came to stay with me. Life was so hard because I earned little money from my job and no education to our own children. We decided to start Joyland Prime Academy to help eliminate cost of children’s education and generate some income to feed family. It was the only one of the kind. My wife and I became anonymous carpenters for the first time to make desks because we had no money to buy them. My little money was used to feed family and other basic needs. Life became simple. I started school with KES 1500 in 2008
One good thing is, there are many middle class parents and population is big enough for school to grow.
I have 6 children. 1 son and 4 daughters with 1 total orphan under my family care.
Felix is interested in becoming entrepreneur
Eileen is interested in becoming tour guide
Paula is interested in becoming doctor
Pauline is interested in becoming doctor
Michelle is interested in becoming entrepreneur
Alexis interested in becoming engineer (orphan)
Welcome all

My Business

On 8th of September 2008 Joyland Prime Academy was born to educate self sponsored and 10 less privileged children. The community around school used not to give any consideration to education but nowadays community members have known that education opens chances to employment.

The reasons why I chose education
=will provide a platform for my kids to get educated
=will provide a platform for community to get education
=opens chances into job market and self employment

The cost of project
School Desks cost $ 5000.
The first installment is $ 500.

The Advantage of buying desks
=increase population of children in school
=sitting space reducecovid-19 spread

I am staying positive and knowing that I will get through this. However, I have a plan. I have found cheaper desks on sale.

I am not selfish; I have decided to give back. In my school, I helped 5 children from poorest families complete primary education and still providing free education to 10 poorest children. 2 are in high school now. Cheers! This project has not been so successful in 2020 because of covid-19 prevalence and impact

Loan Proposal

My main plan is to use loan to buy school land which costs $ 5000. I have agreement with land owner to pay in installments. The first agreed installment is $ 150.
Once I buy land, the business profits & its stability will increase by 60% . The school will be in position to fund upgrading of necessary projects like classroom, play ground, library and computer.
Once I get school land, my project ''Erase illiteracy from less privileged kids'' will increase the number of assisted kids from 5 kids to 12 kids in January 2019.

My Videos

Jul 5, 2021: Joyland kids





  • J    May 31, 2018

    Neat on time repayments. Good status updates.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 14, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Oxfordshire, United Kingdom


United States






Roddy Murray

United Kingdom


United States



Ask Jonathan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Peter    Dec 17, 2021

    Jonathan is not picking All calls and all his referees aren't reachable except one that has denied knowing anyone with that name

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  • Jonathan    Sep 21, 2021

    Business went down

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  • Daniel    Sep 17, 2021

    Dear Lenders,
    Have tried to reach Mr Munyay but he ohones went unanswered however i spoke to one of the referee under the name Ms Evalyne who promised to pass the message to him

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  • Jonathan    Jul 18, 2021

    The business did not make good profit this week

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  • Jonathan    Jul 9, 2021

    Thank you all who donated to ´´Buy Desks´´ project. I am so happy for your kind huge support

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  • Jonathan    Nov 21, 2018

    Thank you my dear lenders for your enormous support. I managed to use your money to pay for school land. The school is now about 70% stable and increased student population, performance and happiness. My earning has increased by 30% from the previous one. I managed to pay boarding school tuition fee for both my son and total under my care in high school. My daughter is also joining high school in 2019. The increased income will help me pay her tuition fee

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  • Jonathan    May 30, 2018

    Thank you Zidisha for linking and coordination process. The only thing we have to give you today is a ''massive thanks'' and you go down to our records and memories for decades to come.

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  • Jonathan    May 30, 2018

    The landlord is still waiting for the next payment as we agreed with him initially
    Best regards.

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  • Jonathan    May 30, 2018

    I, my family, school children and parents at school compound during our free time, we reflected on future of school and our children and every one present saw brighter future with hope.
    We deeply thank our lenders for showing such compassion and helping hands in a way none of us could imagine will happen.
    We have today completed paying our loan.
    You made us thrilled!!
    Thank you so much

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  • Jonathan    Apr 28, 2018

    I have much ahead of me, helping my family and communities around me. I rely on Zidisha lenders for me to help others who need me. I won't leave Zidisha!

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  • Jonathan    Apr 28, 2018

    10 of students who dropped from school have signed up and will report to school on opening day, 2nd of May 2018.

    ''Bring out of school children to school'' project is targeting to bring 50 orphans and children from poorest families to school and get free education.

    5 orphans and children from poorest families will report on opening day, 2nd of May 2018.

    I am able to implement ''Bring out of school children to school'' because of your helping hands.

    My lenders, your helping hands are longer than you know!

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  • Jonathan    Apr 8, 2018

    My business is doing will

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    • J    Apr 15, 2018

      That’s very good news. I hope your school is becoming the best school in your neighborhood.

      Best wishes.

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  • Jonathan    Mar 29, 2018

    Good news my dear lenders.
    from message the community is receiving that I have already paid a sum of KES 15000 to landlord made most parents and children so happy. Stability, hope and increment of student population is evident. It has been so rare to enrol new students towards end of term. I have done enrolment of 5 today and more 7 have booked to come next week.

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  • Jonathan    Mar 29, 2018

    The business is OK

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  • Jonathan    Mar 17, 2018

    School is closing for holiday

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  • Jonathan    Mar 13, 2018

    Thank you for great advice. I promise to raise my loan score to at least 90%.

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  • Jonathan    Mar 11, 2018

    thank you for great message and encouragement. I hope y the remaining 2 days the loan is fully funded. I will pay the land owner the first instalment. We made an agreement to pay the first instalment of $ 150. Pray me.

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    • J    Mar 12, 2018

      Please work on your on time repayment score.

      I was really in doubt if I would fund your loan because of your low score. But I decided to do this anyway because it’s for a good cause.

      You should adjust your installment amount and repay whatever you can afford to repay on a weekly base. Please don’t skip repayments.

      Kind regards,
      Team Zidisha

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  • J    Mar 11, 2018

    Success, I hope the remaining part of your loan will be funded soon.

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  • Jonathan    Mar 11, 2018

    My dear lenders, from my heart, I thank you so much for such greater helping hands you have extended to me, my family and community around me. My profits will be shared with my family and and less privileged kids under my school Dreamers Scholarship Fund (DSF). This fund has not been successful in 2017 due to lack of profits. It was caused by shifting from one house to another. You support will be permanent solution.
    Thank you.

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  • Jonathan    Feb 18, 2018

    Dear lender, I am sorry for late payment. I made payments to Zidisha as seen below. These payments could make my on-time payment much higher than 37%. Yes, Zidisha sent money which I did not know what it was intended for.
    Below are our discussions to resolved the issue.

    Jonathan Munyany Feb 9
    I have been paying money to zidisha account as seen from m-pesa transaction codes below. My calculation says I have paid 8000 to zidisha but zidisha calculation says I have paid 7000.
    My payment for
    M-PESA transaction code ''LJ15HHKM9Z''
    worth 1000
    dated 2017-10-01
    time 18:42:40
    is NOT reflected on zidisha account
    I don't know if I am wrong or correct. HELP me .
    LK13YP3FPL 2000 2017-11-01 19:21:28 (Reflected on zidisha)
    LJM2TFXFN2 2000 2017-10-22 19:53:42 (Reflected on zidisha)
    LJF4P5LVIY 1000 2017-10-15 08:17:59 (Reflected on zidisha)
    LJ97M96R1H 1000 2017-10-09 22:18:53 (Reflected on zidisha)
    LJ94M90DEG 1000 2017-10-09 22:01:57 (Reflected on zidisha)
    LJ15HHKM9Z 1000 2017-10-01 18:42:40 (NOT reflected on zidisha)

    Chuah Yujie Feb 11

    Dear Jonathan,
    I checked that the amount was refunded to your number on 1 Nov. Please check again and let us know if you did not receive the amount.
    Kind regards,
    Zidisha team

    Jonathan Munyany Feb 12
    Yes, I received KES 1000. I did not know that it was a refund because there was no explanation. I was not paying my loan because I knew I had deposited KES 1000 in Zidisha account. I will pay it today.

    Chuah Yujie Feb 15
    Dear Jonathan,
    I am very sorry for the trouble it has caused you. Unfortunately we are unable to change the date you made the repayment. Please check with Zidisha next time you receive any unknown amount. Again I am very sorry for this. I suggest that you can post an update on your loan profile to explain this situation to the lenders.
    Kind regards,
    Zidisha team

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