Taxi business


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

June 2018

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  60%

About Me

Dear beloved lenders,I was born 40 years ago to peasant farmers. The main economic activity for my parents was maize and beans production, and cattle rearing. Despite being a small scale venture, they managed to send me to school. I was able to go via primary, secondary and tertiary education. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree and I have been teaching public secondary school on a volunteer basis since 2010. I am married with three children.
Despite the challenges here in Kenya and generally Africa such as diseases,hunger, high standards of living, poverty, poor sanitation, lack of clean water, unemployment,etc, people here remain focussed, determined and full of zeal and hardwork to make Kenya and Africa a better place. There is alot of hope in making our country a developed nation.
My dream is to become a job creator and employer for many unemployed youth. Furthermore, I would like to see talents of youth being tapped for betterment of the lives and society.In addition, I would to see my children responsible for their motherland. I want them to be able to make much positive change.
I like listening to music, watching documentaries, bicycle riding, trekking and adventure.

My Business

The year 2020 has been really difficult for everyone world over due to covid-19. This year, I ventured into agrobusiness. I was able to plant maize in a 2 acre piece of land and five months later, I expect to harvest 50 bags of 90kg dry maize. Selling at 25 US dollars each would translate to 1250 US dollars. Having spent 150 US dollars on production, I expect a net profit of 1100 US dollars. Currently, I have a quarter acre of bulb onions which are a month old. It is this venture that I urgently need herbicides and water for irrigation purpose since rainfall is no longer consistent. Thus I need to purchase a 3200 litre water tank to store water for irrigating the onions. This tank will cost 220 US dollars. Herbicides, on the other hand, will cost 50 US dollars. Therefore, I am asking for a loan of 270 US dollars. The loan will be repayed fully by the end of November via dry maize income.

Loan Proposal

I have a car that needs service and documentation to start a taxi business. I hope to make profit of kshs 3000 per week.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 16, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Malta, Malta

Ask Boniface a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Geoffrey    Feb 27, 2019

    Boniface has promised to repay his loan as from Monday. thanks

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  • J    Aug 12, 2018

    Dear Boniface,

    During your next loan request, please post a photo of yourself at the top of your profile. (This is a Zidisha requirement).The photo needs to clearly show your entire face, preferably smiling, and preferably taken at the location of the project for which you are requesting a loan.

    The photo currently in that top spot, you can move to a lower spot on your Discussion page, along with a comment about it for your lenders.

    Kind regards,
    Team Zidisha

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