The business is need of great expansion plans.i am looking forward to open some other branches in the neighboring estate...


Nakuru, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2014

On-time repayments

322 installments  •  85%

About Me

I am a Kenyan citizen living and doing business in Nakuru outer-ring. I am running a fitness center business based in section 58. This business facility started in the 2013 beginning and has since generated a lot of interest thereby translating into an ever growing customer base. This has made my business to withstand various challenges over the recent past including the economic changes by the government pertaining business operation in Kenya. The business runs a recreation center including various gym equipment and a pool table that generates enough income to sustain the business. Earnings from the business are usually used to fund daily operations and other expenses such as paying labour, utility bills such as water, electricity, rent and other logistical operations.

My Business

The business is all about being healthy and maintaining fitness among the populace. The facility charges 100shillings per day per day for individuals who wishes to partake their daily exercise. By this, the business makes an income of up to Kshs 100 per day with an average of fifteen people in a single working day. The total income from the business is averagely kshs32,000 per month. The total expenses amount to kshs18,000. This leaves the proprietor with a net profit of kshs14,000 per month. The major challenges that i usually experience includes the frequent power shortages which occur without notices. My intention is to acquire the loan and use it to fund further expansion and operations of the business including opening new branches and addition of more modern gym equipment. I believe with my current earnings, i will be in a position to adequately repay the loan as scheduled by zidisha team.

Loan Proposal

This loan and other subsequent loans will enable me purchase modern equipments to promote the success of the business. This will enable me to create a more appealing gym facility that will attract more clients and especially middle class customers. I have realized that there is very great and potential opportunity in this type of business and my dream is to capitalize completely and tap the potential that comes with this type of business. Competition is still very low and hence my conviction that the business earning even grater profits. Otherwise I just thank Zidisha team for this initiative and hope that I will be able to take my business to higher levels to enable me and my family to afford a more enhanced living standards.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 31, 2014

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Sterling, United States


Macclesfield, United Kingdom



United States

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