
Narok, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $648 goal


days left




Member since

July 2010

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  0%

About Me

Nkoije ene Kiok is my name from sekenani village around Masai Mara game reserve. I am a married woman with three kids. All of my kids attend school,two in primary school and one in Ololululang secondary school. I do live in sekenani,Mara region,Narok district. My occupation is business, I do operate several business within Sekenani.I sell ornaments,and small shop with food staff. I am not educated as well, spent most of my child hood looking after sheep and goats in villages. I was married at around seventeen years old. My struggling to life started early I have bared a child as early as eighteen years old. The main purpose for starting business was carter for basic needs for life e.g.house hold needs,and educate my kids to how to write and read. This is the only realized opportunity that a parent can offer to his kids. The opportunity came and I started to educate to secondary levels.

My Business

The main business offers high demand of goods especially when the Mara Migration starts. My business contains Masai shukas and ornaments. I started my business by raising capital through selling of one of my cows with Ksh 20,000. The other small shop is food stuff shop that I do sell sugar,wheat flour,maize flour and tea leaves is worthing Ksh 15,000. It is demand is very high only when season picks. The food stuff are very good because they are the only stable food that is accessible in by the community. My business like any other one face high competition. The profit of the business is high especially when the season picks. The only risk that I do face is when the number of tourist visiting Mara lowers. My monthly costs is around Ksh 20,000 and the profit I get differs between ksh 15,000 to 20,000 per month.,this is basically on the tourist visiting the region.

Loan Proposal

The loan from Zidisha will be used to buy tourist ornaments and masai shukas.The ornaments will be bought at Ksh 12,000 per carton of ornaments.I will buy four cartons of ornaments that will cost up to Ksh36,000.The remaining amount will be used to transport that will be from Narok up to Oloolaimutia the very remote area,the transport will be Ksh 2,000.The approximate profit will be based on the tourist visiting Mara.
The profit will be each carton will generate Ksh 3,000 multiplied with four cartons having almost 12,000Ksh per two weeks.The profit will be almost Ksh Ksh 24,000 per month.This profit will be used to make repayment of the loan and paying school fees.I have one kid who is out of upper level of education due to lack of cash.The loan will assist me in making life so easy,hoping to generate more income to sustain the family and educate my son who wishes to expand education.The business will bring total change to the community when the commodity comes near to the customers around the Manyatta.The level of my life together with of my young ones will improve.Looking forward for you are kind assistance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 22, 2010

Repayment status


Projected term

12 months



Brussels, Belgium

Julia Kurnia

Sterling, Virginia, United States



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Hamilton, Canada

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  • Julia Kurnia    May 10, 2012

    Dear lenders,

    I would like to offer an update on our efforts to recover the funds for Ms. Kiok's loan, which were stolen upon disbursement in December 2010.

    When the loan was first reported stolen, we worked closely with the Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Kenyan police to investigate the alleged theft. The suspect in the case fled his village and went into hiding, and we paid an award to an individual who assisted the local police to track down the suspect and arrest him.

    At this point, the theft case passed into the jurisdiction of the Kenyan court system, over which our police contacts have no direct influence. The suspect was released on bail following an initial trial. Since his release, several trials have been scheduled, and we arranged for the clients whose loans were stolen to travel to the court location to testify in the trials. Despite ample evidence of the theft from the M-PESA mobile phone payment transfer records, each time our clients arrived to testify, the trial ended inconclusively and was rescheduled. Our clients allege that the suspect is bribing the local court in order to avoid a conviction.

    I have been speaking frequently with our contact in the Kenyan police Criminal Investigation Department regarding this case, but he is not able to influence the local court. We will continue to pursue the case to the best of our ability, and will inform lenders of any further progress.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.


    Julia Kurnia
    Director, Zidisha Inc.
    [email protected]

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  • Julia Kurnia    Nov 3, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    Following the suspect's release on bail in September, we worked with the deputy head of the Kenyan police and the local police in Narok town to arrange for the affected borrowers to serve as witnesses at the trial which was scheduled to take place today, November 3, in Narok. We confirmed with the police in Narok on November 2 that the trial would indeed take place today, and two borrowers undertook the day-long journey to Narok to attend. When they arrived, they were told that the court had too heavy a caseload and would not be able to hold the trial today after all. The trial was rescheduled for January 25, 2012. The borrowers allege that the local law enforcement bureaucracy is being bribed to ensure the suspect is never effectively brought to trial.

    We are lobbying the Kenyan police headquarters in Nairobi to use their authority to ensure more effective pursuit of this case at the local level, and will continue to keep you informed of new developments.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with inquiries or comments.


    Julia Kurnia
    Director, Zidisha Inc.

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  • Julia Kurnia    Oct 3, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    I spoke today with the local Criminal Investigation Department officer in Narok town. He informs me that the suspect has been released on bail, and that the next hearing is scheduled for November 3. We intend to work with the borrowers involved to ensure that they will be present to testify at the trial.

    The suspect has not responded to our offer of a settlement out of court in return for the full amount of loan funds that were stolen.

    We are in constant communication with Kenya's Criminal Investigation Department regarding progress in the case, and will keep you informed of new developments.

    You may contact me at any time with comments or inquiries.

    Best regards,

    Julia Kurnia

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  • Julia Kurnia    Jul 28, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    We received an update from the Criminal Investigation Department office in Narok that the initial hearings were held this month, and that the trial is scheduled to resume on August 29. The suspect is still in custody, and has been well informed of Zidisha's offer to settle outside of court in exchange for return of the full amount of loan funds that were stolen. He has not yet given a definitive response to this offer. We are continuing to contact the Criminal Investigation Department regularly for updates, and will let you know when there are further developments.

    In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me with any comments or inquiries.


    Julia Kurnia

    [email protected]

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  • Julia Kurnia    May 27, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    The suspect is still in custody, and his trial is scheduled to begin on July 7. The Criminal Investigation Department tells us that the Kenyan legal system does not provide for the seizure and restitution of stolen assets, even if the accused party is found guilty of their theft. We have been discussing with the suspect and his family a possible settlement out of court if the stolen funds are returned to Zidisha, and are currently awaiting their response.

    We will continue to keep the affected lenders informed as the situation progresses. As always, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions or comments.


    Julia Kurnia

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  • Julia Kurnia    May 9, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    Since the theft of loan funds was reported in January, we have been communicating details of actions taken by Zidisha, our partners in Kenya and the Kenyan police to the affected lenders by email due to the sensitive nature of the investigation.

    Today, we received word from the Kenyan police's Criminal Investigation Department (CID) that they have finally arrested the suspect in a distant settlement of the Masai Mara, where he had been in hiding. The local CID officer who had been in charge of the investigation tells us that a preliminary hearing will take place tomorrow, and that the transaction records provided by M-PESA have yielded substantial evidence which will be used in the trial. The deputy head of the CID in Nairobi who has been overseeing the investigation confirmed that the suspect was arrested, but is not yet able to tell us whether it will be possible to recover the stolen funds.

    This is all the news we have for the moment. We will communicate additional updates to the affected lenders as they become available.

    Best regards,

    Julia Kurnia

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  • Julia Kurnia    Jan 21, 2011

    Dear lenders,

    Ms. Kiok has reported that she did not receive the loan funds that were disbursed on December 22, because an intruder accessed her borrower account and changed her M-PESA account number (the mobile banking account number that is used to receive payment transfers) just before Zidisha disbursed her loan. If this is the case, the intruder would have had to collaborate with an M-PESA agent, as M-PESA requires proof of identification to ensure that accounts are opened under the owners' real names, and Zidisha checks that account numbers match borrowers' names before disbursing loan funds. The alleged theft is being investigated by the police in Kenya. Depending on the results of the investigation, the loan funds will either be disbursed again to this borrower, or returned to lenders.

    We will report the police findings to all lenders who funded this loan. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

    Thank you and regards,

    Julia Kurnia

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