Member since
November 2016
On-time repayments
140 installments • 84%
I was born in village known as mwamogesa where i went to nearby primary school known as Daraja mbili primary school isat for my kcpe exams in 1994 after there were no money to continue with my education is when i started my businesse in order to help my family and others in the society,and I keep on maintaining it ven if it charanging but Iam not disapointed , if you loan me iwill add aworker , then I will pay the loan on time.
Ihave abeuty and cosmetic shop in kisii town. In my businesse aweek I can make more than ksh5000 so if you loan me I will improve it more so that it can improve my life by renting a good house for my family, change my children to better schools ,assist my parents ,my customers by improving services to them and at least get everything they require at my shop,and others who need my support thank you
The loan will help me complete my newly build house and move to the house,then the money I used to pay rent will enable me to expand my business iput some in advertising my business in all areas where I get cotomers from,add aworker ,improve my working place like renovating my small shop so that it can enable two to three coustomers can stand at ateller,and be served without disturbance this will give them encourage and be back again and like our services
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 31, 2017
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
3 months
Other loans
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