Stall business

Fauzul Akbar

Sumenep, Indonesia

100% paid forward



Fauzul Akbar

Member since

November 2017

On-time repayments

21 installments  •  43%

About Me

I am an employee with permanent status in a very reputable retail company in indonesia, I work in pt indomarco prismatama as merchandiser.

My Business

my monthly income source is 3,400,000, and I do not have any dependents except for the payment of kos and the rest for 1 month.

Project Proposal

Want to develop a food stall business so that there are more buyers and can make your own income.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya seorang karyawan dengan status tetap di sebuah petusahaan retail yang sangat terkenal di indonesia, saya bekerja di pt indomarco prismatama sebagai merchandiser.

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya setiap bulan sebesar 3.400.000, dan saya tidak mempunyai tanggungan apapun kecuali hanya untuk pembayaran kos dan sisanya makan selama 1 bulan..

Loan Proposal

Ingin mengembangkan usaha warung makan agar lebih ramai pembeli dan bisa menjadikan penghasilan sendiri.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 16, 2023



Nairobi, Kenya

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Fauzul Akbar

$63 (3 Projects)

Projects funded by Fauzul Akbar's Pay It Forward recipients

$1,082 (44 Projects)

Fauzul Akbar paid it forward to: