Member since
May 2015
On-time repayments
161 installments • 86%
I was born the sixth and the only male child amongst the eleven children to Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Plister Wamakal on 17th December 1967 in Nyiera Village, Simenya Sub-location, South Ugenya Location, Siaya County in Kenya. I went to Simenya Primary School and later proceeded to Butere Boys High School. I then joined Ndere Polytechnic where I trained as an artisan specialized in fitting. I married Ms. Addah Akech in the year 1994 and we are blessed with two daughters, Esther Perez who is a fourth year business student in Eldoret University College and Rita Lai who is form two student in Kisumu Girls High School.
I am a christian by religion and the founder of World Changers Club which is a talent wagon aimed towards nurturing talents e.g music, drama, comedy, dancing, sports etc which has already one thousand members across the country that we mentoring. Am also the founder of World Changers Foundation which is dealing with the welfare of children and the aged. As of now we are sponsoring three children in academies at a cost of not less that KShs. 24,000 per term and also feeding street children once a month.
Our plan for the aged is financial and material support and reviving their hope for those who have left lonely by their families either through death or neglect. We are also planning to put up a hospice for them in future when funds are available.
I basically use the proceeds from my business to fund these projects.
My business is called Mosestar Entrepreneurs which offers computer services, graphic designs and printing, photocopy, M-Pesa, egg supply, clearing and forwarding agency. I intend to expand my business first of all by dividing it into two different units one of which will be concerned with goods supply and another specialized in service industry. I also want to register it as limited company so that it can attract those who are interested in it as share holders and also clients from the corporate world.
Currently, Mosestar Entrepreneurs has a total of 10 staff which includes 1 manager, 1 accountant, 1 secretary cum receptionist, 2 graphic designers, 1 typist, 1 messenger, 1 technician and 2 who are based in the field.
Our assets include; 2 cars for our daily operations, 3 computers, 1 three in one photocopy machine, desktop printer, instant photo printer, digital camera.
The business is located in Busia town which is strategically located int the border of Kenya and Uganda where commercial activities thrive. With formation of county governments and the nature of our business, we see a bright future ahead of us and we hope to employ even more staff.
With time, our asset base shall also increase with plans in place to acquire a plot of land and build our own premises to cut on costs of paying rent.
As I stated earlier in my profile, part of my business involves, egg supply in retail shops. Due to increased demand for eggs, the current sources from which I purchase eggs cannot meet the demands of my customers.
I therefore want to increase my stock volume by complementing my purchases with eggs from my own poultry farm. I will therefore use some of the money to erect a structure will house the chicken and some money will be used to buy one day old chicks.
To start with, 150 chicks when successfully grown will lay an additional 5 trays of eggs per day. since the day old chicks are prone to diseases, part of the money will cater for vaccination and some will be set apart for treatment whenever required.
Some of the money will be used to buy growers mash for the young chicks as they grow and once they mature up we will begin to provide the with layers mash to ensure good returns. Basically feeds will take the biggest proportion of my budget.
Some money will be set aside for lighting up the structure since the chicks will need light through out. We will therefore buy 5 lanterns that can be used with kerosene when there is no electricity.
Since I spend most of my time moving up and down in other business commitments, I will have to hire one person who will work on the ground (labor). We also need money to acquire equipment that will be used inside the structure like feeders etc as may be required.
On top of the little amount that I have as capital from my savings, a loan of KShs. 12,000 from will be of great help.
Thank you in anticipation.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Jul 23, 2015
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 weeks
Other loans
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J Sep 16, 2018