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License, equipment, snacks & fast foods

The Tricycles I purchased with part of the loan. They have been really popular with customers and only one is remaining in stock. Looking forward to buying more.

License, equipment, snacks & fast foods

Greetings Lenders and Zidisha Team,

Hoping that you are all well, I thank God that my family and I are all good. In terms of business at the moment things are a bit slow due to end of year exams both for primary and secondary schools.

However I am looking forward to a peak time after schools close and the long holiday ahead. I am therefore gearing up for this by trying to stock up more products.

The bicycles and tricycles that I introduced to the shop with the help of my current loan did well in terms of sales and currently I have just two pieces remaining so that has motivated me to plan for more stock for the holidays.

The sales have helped me to pay back my current loan on time and I have used part of my profits to add some more products like photo frames and educational toys. I am also saving some part of the profit to build a display shelf outside the shop to catch the eyes of potential customers.

I thank you once again for your generosity and continued support. Wishing you all a blessed week ahead.

Upgrade my cybercafe

Hello Dorine!

I'm glad you could overcome the difficulties. Life's never a bed of roses, is it?

I see you have nearly completed the repayments, despite those problems. Congratulations on your good work!


Stock of medicines

Hope all are well. Am happy with the Zidisha Loan and I have attached you some of my clients' laptop that I have installed with the laptop stickers am selling. The business has been good for me :)

Inventory for my phone-delivery grocery business

I buy rice groceries . 500kg x 7000 IDR/1kg = 3,500,000 IDR and I would plan to add more , because I sold back in Lontong maker. Thank you for Landers and Zidisha team.

Purchase hair washing basin for my salon

I always visit them talk to young ladies and give out Sanitary Pads that most of them cannot afford. Whatever little that I have I share with them, it is giving back to the society. Shen Ge Would like to partner with me in this worthy course of action. Thanks


Prov 31 finsos

Yaaay!! I got 100% funding for my project. I am grateful for the opportunity granted thus far. Thank you to all my lendors. Here in Kenya we say, Asante sana. (Thank you very much). I will keep all of us posted in the achievements so far.. All in all, Im indeed grateful. ;)

To buy a hair treatment machine for my beauty salon

thank you zidisha members for granting me the loan. i managed to buy the steam machine and my customers have never been happier in the service they are now getting.

Adding stock to my retail shop

My new motocycle is doing good because,unlike the first one,it brings an income of $6 daily,$1 more.It has increased my earnings and life tends to be abit easy as far as daily expenses are concearned.

Purchase hair washing basin for my salon

Can you tell me a bit more about what you do at the children's home? Thanks.

Irrigation equipments to grow tomatoes for sale

Dear lenders, I have a reason to smile, this is how the lord has blessed me so far. Once again thank you for having faith in me and giving me your support.

An oven for my cake business

Hi Staff Zidisha, hi friendly lenders. As expected, I am writing to you in order to give you some news about my activities. Thank you and I give thanks to God because I was able to set up here is a month and a half my shed, it is 4 m2 and am currently negotiating for electrification because I intend to sell my cakes up to 20 hours the evening. Thank you to you.

Another greenhouse for my farm

Dear lenders due to improved incomes I am glad to reschedule my loan back to original installments rates,thank you so much for understanding,for now my farm is doing pretty well and I have a lot of clients coming to purchase daily. i am so grateful for your continued support.To be honest without zidisha ,I would not be this far.Thank you so much

To purchase a printer for children lessons

I had a fruitful week this week and with the schools closing in the next three weeks,have had several college students doing their research in my cyber thus earning me good money.
I have seen had good clients over the past one week and am preparing for a booming business during the school holidays thus am planning to add two more computers.

Loan to buy a computer for my cyber cafe

I wish to say thanks to lenders,lending teams officials(staff) and zidisha organization in general. With this forum i can afford to run my business and attend my class in Kenyatta university.

Loan for cake baking materials and ingredients

Thank you everybody for your loan support, i am doing well in my business, I feel in my spirit today I should share with you about my true life story.
John Makongo is the founder of this emerging organization. John Makongo was once street children and also Rwanda Genocide victim, I am a bachelor holder in theology and author of an inspiring book (From Rwanda to Victory) I also was brought up in an orphanage in Kenya and also lived on street searching for help, love and hope.

Due to the high rate of poverty in my family, my single parent could not be able to take my siblings and I to school. Thus, we became servants at our neighbors in helping to tend cattle in the field like David in the bible in order to get food to sustain our young 4 brothers.

In the year 1994 I had a desire to go to school after being removed in the street by a missionary who sponsored me but before I sought to run and find a refuge in the streets of Eldoret, which is a small town in the Rift Valley Province. When I arrived in the streets life became extremely difficult. I found a refuge at the Eldoret Children Rescue Centre, which was a home to orphans and children from the streets. This is where I settled and started my studies under the help of a German citizen known as Michael Nieswand. This is also where I received a call to worship God through music and joined the Jesus is Lord Team choir.
While I was in my Theological school in Bungoma which is in Western part of Kenya I received a calling of working with kids and my heart has been full of love for them and compassion, I went on praying to ask God if it was His will for me to continue doing so. When I discovered that it was God’s will, I decided to assist three boys in obtaining an education and living also in my house.

In the year 2009 I desired to work with friends from different parts of the world to further assist other children in Kenya to receive an education at first it was hard because none of them knew me. I shared my dream with friends and facebook friends and we came on with the idea that we should support the kids by providing them with education to bring a change to Kenyan children.

My desire is for this organization to grow with support from people around the world and in Africa, either through prayer, financial support or even coming to serve these children in Africa. Our dream for this organization is to build a school, vocational centers, and other training centers. My prayer is that those who are led will be in touch with what we are doing and join us. We welcome all people from every part of the world. Lastly, I would love to thank my friends around the world ( stewart funderburg,Mira Elmann, Dana , Beryl Williams and others who supports our organization for accepting to sponsor kids

Cradle of Hope Mission is dedicated in providing education to the poor kids who cannot afford uniform and books to get to school by providing education and feeding program. we also providing winter and summer short term mission to people from other nation and our country who want to serve and help the poor through providing medication and other services may God blessing you as join us

Rental premises for my cereals business

i am so glad that my earnings have increased.. i am saving the returns so that i can be able to rent a store to be storing my stocks because as it stands i have to ferry my stock home every evening and ferry it back every morning. my own stock will enable me save on the energy used during the daily treks plus other advantages

Purchase Cyber Cafe Supplies

new envelops two rims of embosed paper and also manila paper one rim,new photo frames

Purchase Cyber Cafe Supplies

dear lenders this are the new stock i bought,sorry for delayed upload of the photos

Loan to buy raw materials for making soap

thanks Leonora, I had not even signed out after making the application. What a surprise! I am thrilled.

Tuition fees

Thank u for helping me out.there has not yet been any reported case of ebola in kenya yet,we r taking necessary precautions,thank u for your concern.have a good day

Prepare land for planting

You're welcome. I hope it is the beginning of good luck for you with your fundraising!

Buy a pop corn machine for pop corn business

Hello lenders,
Hope you are doing great. And your family too is doing well. Here in Ghana, after your University education, you will have to serve the country for 1 year- National Service. That is what I am doing now. This has affected business somehow.

This will not in anyway destroy our trust for each other. I will work hard and be kind to my promises. Thank you

Set of studio lights

Teaching my son Art of Photography at an early stage he turned four year old August 27 2014,i always show him how to use camera and he is a good leaner,i attend some function with him some day he will be a professional photographer like his Dady.

Working capital for my slim-fit suit clothing shop

To All My Lenders & Zidisha Family!
Today, I fully repaid my loan in full. Without you guys, my business won't be where it is now. Thank you so much! Zidisha has really changed my life for the better. I can now dream big dreams and create business ideas without allowing myself to be scared away by the thought of lack of capital to start a venture. My gratitude goes to all my lenders who funded my first and second loan: Christy CMK71, goodwithoutgod, timnj, hulte, zidishap2p, treyh, mguenter, AllieJ, thebonseung, vortex, Aaron85 and Tom44; Thank you so very much. I look forward to your support in raising my future loans. God bless you all.
Muttai Kipkoech

Iron sheets to build up anew class &a toilet

i did build aclass & atoilet for my students it has really changed the face of my school some students had left my school but now there coming back what i really wish for is coming next the beginning of the year is for more students to join.

on the side of the community it has helped a lot some of the members of the community have volunteered to teach for me & some i have hired them, your two loans have really helped me out a lot

To add 4 computers and speed printer to my cybercafe

Dear Lenders,
Am happy with the disbursement of the loan and now I wish to add the 4 computers which I ordered yesterday from Nairobi and the printer this will make me to earn a good profit and my customers will be happy with me too. Also am working on the waiver as I promised my customers who were eagerly waiting for this. LET ME NOW WITHDRAW MY MONEY AND WORK ON IT.

Expansion of my farming

Hi members, all is well with me trying to catch up with coming soon for the strawberries,

Purchase of beauty products

Hi Lenders, I would like to inform you that my salon is currently doing well and it is my pleasure to increase my loan payments from ksh487 to ksh2000.I hope this will sound well to my lenders,and result to good relationship between me and lenders.My business income has grown from ksh25000 per month to ksh30000 per month this the main reason why have made up my mind to increase my loan so that I may qualify for my next loan and expand my business further.

Inventory forcosmetics,clothes and handbags

I am happy that my business is really doing good.My sales have gone high from making 4000k a day to 7000k.Zidisha has helped me improve my business big time.Don't be surprised for paying my loan faster it's because here in Kenya we are approaching high season and I really need to be prepared and stock my boutique and cosmetic so that I supply my customers with whatever they need and this is through getting good money from Zidisha.I have enrolled a few people and more still to come.Thank you once again.

For direct sales of second-hand clothes in an open market

wow,have been funded for the second time,my dreams are great for this funds having in mind that we are approaching festive season. am going to increase my stock of customers segment and boom to yarn more profit .thanks to all my lenders and zidisha family at large.

Purchase a laminator and a binding machine

am so grateful zidisha. God bless you all. just to say.....

Poultry structure

I would like to change repayment schedule so that i can repay the loans much faster and apply for another.I will be proceeding on leave in December where i plan to travel upcountry and look for a reliable supplier of fish.I plan to open a fish market in January to supplement the profit i earn from poultry business. I thank zidisha team for your support .it is because of you that my dream is turning into a reality.My God bless you all.

Research project

i started a vegetable business that has now grown and i have been able to start a chicken business with the proceeds. I would like to grow my chicken business with the next zidisha loan.

A loan to buy computers for training and use in cyber cafe

Me and my new computers

Computer supplies for my cybercafe

Hi my good people. Today i just want to tel you that my two business are doing okay and am so happy because it is you people that have made this come true, without you, i wouldn't have gone this far. I really thank you and may you continue assisting me and others. I will remain faithful and trustful to you all the time. I will soon post my new photos while on my two businesses to see where and how the shops look like now. The generator i bought is really assisting my computer business so much when there is power blackouts. Thank you so much again and may you be blessed.

I want to add stock for my business

hi zidisha am very thankful for what you are doing in my life since i joined zidisha my life has changed alot and i am planning to start aprinting job.tshirt printing job.i have already ordered for machine that will be used for printing of the tshirt is the one on my profile picture.

Equip and stock my salon

Thanks JillV for acknowledging my effort. The loan has improved my business drastically after buying the new hair drier. I am very grateful for your support. These are two photos - the drier and the me working on a client.

To add 4 computers and speed printer to my cybercafe

Dear all ( Zidisha Lenders,Zidisha staff and Zidisha volunteers),
Let me take this time to thank all of you for this great support you have given me. Lenders you have finally done it to fund my loan to 100%. Indeed this is is my third loan which have qualified for. We have come from very far with you my first loan was USD 50, second loan was USD 311 and now USD 485. for the first loan and second loan I have been using them very well and I hope also to use this third loan the same.

To help purchase land for building a home and rearing chickens

Workers putting up the fence.

To help purchase land for building a home and rearing chickens

The chicken roaming freely in the compound

To help purchase land for building a home and rearing chickens

One side of the completed fence

To help purchase land for building a home and rearing chickens

Good morning lenders,
I have finally managed to get the photos of the perimeter fence that i put up using the loans you gave me. I will forever be grateful for your help.
Now my chicken can roam the compound without fear of interfering with my neighbors' garden.
Am uploading the photos in afew.


Rental playstation 2 dan 3 dan service stik

Trying to get some attention to your project here. Not sure if I'll succeed, I'm just a little voice on the internet. Hope it comes together for you.

Help me build temporary green house for tomatoes

Thanks so much lenders. I am so humbled by your kind gesture to support.Once again thank you and welcome for A piece of water melon anytime you visit Kenya between December and January

Buying school uniforms to sell

I thank you all the lenders for trusting me with your money,after you gave me the funds my sales have increased due to the fact that most of my customers are getting all the products they want unlike when i didn't have the funds. Am looking forward to expanding my business more and more.
My God bless you all.

Increase inventory for clothing retail business

Hi Carolyne,
Im so glad to hear that you got the loan! This is my first time lending on Zidisha. I chose your business because you seem like a smart business woman who knows your customers and what services they need at different times of the year. Best wishes and please let me know how you go!
Kind regards,

To add two computers and printer to my cybercafe

WOOI WOOI;Thank you lenders now am happy for the great support you have given me. Actually my loan is fully funded and am waiting for the disbursement of the loan. I will buy the computers and the printer and my customers I think will be happy with this.

Renovate my shop(jackshop) and add new stocks

This evening, I got mpesa message crediting my a/c with the sum I had borrowed from zindisha. Am so grard for this funding and already tomorrow, I will make an order for goods I had quoted in my application. Thanks zindisha community.

Adding stock of home supplies in my shop

Part of this is contribution from zidisha lenders. I look fowaward to your continuedd support