Buy and install water pump


Nairobi, Kenya

63% paid forward




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

37 installments  •  84%

About Me

I have gone through a lot in my life. My mother passed away when I was two years old. My father passed away before I completed secondary education. I went a lot especially due to non supporting relatives. I have however been able to take a diploma in early childhood. In today's life, orphaned children do not get enough support. Being one of them, I had to miss classes and look for some menial jobs to get food. After completing school. I did not get any financial and moral support. I ended up doing a simple course whereas I had the potential for a greater course from my grades. After completing my education, I have started motivational speaking to help encourage the hopeless in life. I look forward to helping more people through this venture.

My Business

I am an ECDE teacher. I use the income to support my family though the income is never enough. I also use the land I have to do agriculture. Currently, I am growing vegetables and doing poultry farming whereby I am rearing indigenous breeds. I sell the eggs and some of the chickens to earn money. I have also been making a few coins from the sale of surplus vegetables. I however cannot manage to till a bigger piece because of the method of fetching water. I would wish to install a pump and piping to work better.

Project Proposal

I have been growing vegetables far a while now. The biggest challenge I have had however is fetching water from my 60 feet borehole. I will buy a water pump worth Ksh. 5000 and use the rest for piping and installation of the pump. I believe this project will help feed muly family and the surplus will also feed the community





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 10, 2023



Nakuru, Kenya


Lagos, Nigeria


Ibadan, Nigeria

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Jeremiah

$26 (2 Projects)

Projects funded by Jeremiah's Pay It Forward recipients

$1,064 (20 Projects)

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