Paying salaries in my beauty shop


Nyankoba Location, Kenya

100% paid forward




Member since

May 2014

On-time repayments

62 installments  •  95%

About Me

I opened a beauty parlor and jewelry shop of $300, since Kisii University was started as a constituent college of Egerton university. This idea hit my brains as jewelries are really used by the university students of which high population is of youths, who beauty treatments are part of them. I have been struggling mostly to provide the jewelry and the loan would really help me. Jewelry are usually at high demand as customers come and at times come and leave without getting their type.

My Business

It was a great opportunity for not only me but many other enterprenuers, since the starting of the university. I hope to make the business bigger and even open another branch as the university is rapidly growing as by now its iso-certified and the population is increasing, hence more demand for goods and services.
I provided services of beauty treatments such as making hair, nails and make up done. There also different types of jewelries such as rings, bracelets, necklaces among others. I make a profit of $10 weekly. If given the loan, I will use it to buy more jewelry and of different quality and improves services, whereby I would have beautician who offer more services than the existing. I am sure that your help will really help my business grow and also provision of better and services and goods to the customers.
The loan will help me provide different types and qualities and also improve services which are on high demand. The business has provided my colleague and I a job and with the help which will lead to its growth would lead to more job opportunities. Kindly consider lending me the cash as it will help me and my colleagues financially and the customers in better goods and service provision. Recently, I was funded about $50 by zidisha which assisted me to improve the stock. I have already repaid the amount and look forward for further funding.

Project Proposal

The funds raised with this project will be dedicated to paying outstanding salary debts. I have used money from other sources to pay part of the salaries so the funds raised will be used to cover the outstanding debts.






Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 10, 2024



Namarambi, Kenya

Aran Dunlop

United States

Vratik Krocik

Prague, Czech Republic


Mombasa, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Mufulira, Zambia


Lusaka, Zambia


Lusaka, Zambia

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