Member since
April 2020
On-time repayments
114 installments • 99%
Benjamin Kwabena Agyei is my name. I come from Nkoranza, in the Bono East region of Ghana. I started my Early Childhood Education at Atebubu st. Patrick R/C Basic School . After completing Basic School, I gain admission at Obuasi Senior High/Technical School and I was offered technical as my program with Building Construction option, due to hard work I was awarded Ghana Government scholarship, I completed successfully in 2001 and I continued my Post Secondary Education at Mampong Technical Teachers college. I studied Technical education and I was awarded teachers certificate "A". I taught for three years and left the teaching job for further studies at the University of education winneba Ghana and I graduated with second class upper division. I came back to teach at Nkoranza Senior high Technical school. I was enrolled at Kwame Nkrumah University of science and technology Ghana to study for masters degree (Msc.) In technology management and entrepreneurship in 2018 and have successfully graduated.
My dream is to become University lecturer, a renowned entrepreneur and a phalantropist targeting the homeless peoples. So I am planning to start PhD soon,I am married with three children all males.
I have started a cosmetics business,paultry farming pigery and other livestock production. The cosmetic store is in full operation and my paultry business is also in incubation period since the birds are now growing, I plan to add hair products and toiletries to the cosmetic store but I am limited with finance. I don't want to put "all my eggs in one basket", I was told is not good practice as entrepreneur so I want to diversify my business by adding different products to the stock. If I am able to get higher loan amount from lenders i will use it to stock the cosmetic store with hair products thank you.
When the loan is fully funded and is credited into my mono account.the loan will be used to stock the shop. Now that I completed my masters degree (MSc.Technology Management and Entrepreneurship) I will use those Entrepreneur knowledge and ideas gain to expand my business and then think of enrolling in PhD. thank you very much
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Mar 29, 2022
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