Member since
February 2015
On-time repayments
249 installments • 78%
graduation, I have not had any meaningful employment. This is due to the high rate of unemployment in the country. I have help sales positions in some few small companies, and that gave me the confidence
Asdertyghuug vhgdgyrt xsryghy bjhgvhgddt vvffyhgd njggghgd dry5367yhu bhyfchyfg hhgcvgfg
Gtdgtfgg jhgfhjgh zsryutgj cfyrfhty hhfvhfcgh cdfgurfhuhvfdb jkhghbcgt
With this loan, I will purchase a new photo processor, studio lights, and camera stands. These come to a total of $1500. I have managed to make a saving of $320. This leaves me with a deficit of $1180. With this amount, I believe I will comfortably purchase all the equipment that I need. This will enable me make a projected $200 per week , but more so, it will enable me satisfy my clients' needs in good time
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Feb 1, 2019
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
9 months
Other loans
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Michael Thurm Dec 17, 2019
Eric Torrie Jan 14, 2019