Personal protective equipments and cosmetics


Techiman, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

October 2016

On-time repayments

77 installments  •  68%

About Me

Since childhood I had the interest in becoming a business but after school I did not get any financial support so had no capital to start. I had to sell sauchet water before I was able to raise my capital . My interest was to sell costmetics which I am presently into but because my capital was not that much I can not purchase many to sell. I love Ghana, it is a peaceful country. My children want to be doctors in future and lawyers. I like trading.

My Business

I sell cosmetics, body lotions, creams ,perfumes, body splashes among others. I buy them and retail. They are very useful, everyone especially ladies want glowing skin so they petronise a lot. I use the profit to reinvest in growing the business. It is my dream to expand my business. Day in and set out people need body lotions and creams and other cosmetics so I really love my business. I will like to get a bigger stop for my business.I have now added selling of ladies shoes and I need a bigger loan for my business .

Loan Proposal

If I am given this loan, I will use it to restock personal protective equipments and part for more cosmetics. These products move faster, their demands are higher because people need them day in and out especially at this era of covid 19,people need these personal protective equipments to protect themselves and their family too. I will also add face shield because people come to ask for them most of the times. I make profit from these products and they move faster.

Income Source

At this era of Covid 19 pandemic, alot of businesses have collapsed ,I thought of selling products that people cannot do without, something that people demand for alot and these products are personal protective equipments. These products move faster and I make profit from them. I also train people online on soap making and wig making for token, this can help me to repay my loan on time.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 15, 2020

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks




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