Uniforms for school children


Mombasa-kaloleni Walea, Kenya

59% repaid




Member since

January 2015

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  29%

About Me

My childhood education was a miracle coz at the age of 3yrs i had to walk 4kms daily to and from school but i managed well and joined primary school later to a secondary school which was a horrifing afair due to the famous shiftas in the the tana river county then it was district the transport was one bus a day if you miss it you will spend another night there before travelling i attained a c-grade in 1995 i later joined nyanza commercial college did secretarial course my life was still in a mess i got married in 1999 after a seriuos thought i stated my own business my 1st business was selling fried potatoes then added grocery then bought a calf which i now sell milk with layers which i sell eggs in 2013 i opened an m pesa stall with cash 10,000 which it was a small amount to date am working with30000 which i still need 20000 to be comfotable and like 15000 for phone accesories to add up my stall in giriama land ladies are to sit and wait for there husbands bring home everything bu
t to me it is NEVER in caps my children dreams are to be there own provider my unique hobby is to have several busineses and meeting the prominent business men and women

My Business

I have several busineses dairy cow, i have layers but my third business is an mpesa stall my businesses go handy with our day to day the community needs milk for home with the eggs too and my mpesa is there for the new technology there is banking people do send and recieve money for there use i choose these business coz i see them as long term i do get profit but as for the m pesa you get commission according to the capital you have as for now i get 13000 per month which if i increase my capital to 50000 i will get over 20000 which it will be my dream came true i use my profits in reinvesting 60percent and 40 my children school fees

Loan Proposal

As I earlier said I want to dedicate my hand free into the community to be a helping hand. So want to take loan and purchase school uniforms and sell them to poor children at this opening season of the year. 80% of the loan i will put it entirely to invest in this new business of school uniform. 20% will be put to boast further my mpesa float. The demand for school uniforms has gone very high in this month because schools are opening, so I decided to help student from poor families to get uniforms at a lowest prices and others will pay me slowly so longer as the kids will not skip studies because of uniform issues. Besides making a lot of profit due to this demand I thought it is also wise to help the society and by so doing I will gain into my self a lot of confident in the market. I have assessed that after the festive season most of parents could not raise enough money to cater needs at once so I have decided to help them pay little by little and I promise you this is the business of the season which will generate a lot of profit.
Thank in advance as you help to help and realize the big dream in me.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 14, 2016

Repayment status


Projected term

3 months

Other loans



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Martha a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Martha    Mar 14, 2019

    hallow am sincerely sorry for the mis communication this loan I remember asking for it but the terms were not favourable which made me to let it go that's why I don't understand when am informed that I am to pay kindly I need my records for the sama loan thanks be blessed

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    • Lotus Flower    Mar 14, 2019

      Lenders cannot assist with anything administrative. Like borrowers, we merely create an account on the platform (in our case, to upload funds to help borrowers, which the Zidisha Team Staff then manages; currently the Zidisha Team Staff consists of just two (2) people: www.zidisha.org/team - to contact them privately, send a message through the HELP link in your account). The Zidisha Team Staff is the intermediary between the borrowers and the lenders, and only they can help you with anything administrative.

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Jul 20, 2016

    Please contact [email protected] to discuss the best way forward. We want to help you, but you have to do your bit too!
    God bless you,

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    • Lotus Flower    Mar 14, 2019

      UPDATE: Please note that the way to contact the Staff now is by clicking on the HELP link in one's account. No Zidisha member (borrower or lender) ever should send email anymore, unless a technical glitch on the website prevents logging into one's account.

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Apr 25, 2016

    Hello Martha.
    Are you able to start making payments again yet?
    God bless you,

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  • Wendy Emlyn    Feb 25, 2016

    Please contact Zidisha and ask them to reduce your installments to a more manageable amount for a while. That is better than letting yourself get behind with your payments, which can make it harder to get a loan in the future.
    God bless you,

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  • Martha    Jan 6, 2016

    I thank you zidisha for the first loan you gave to me. it has helped so much now that my float has increased tremendously and I want to start a new business to add to my current because i have seen the need and high demand in this community I come from. I introduced to you earlier that my business is mpesa which deals with money in our phones. I managed to create job opportunity where by I have employed a youth who works for my mpesa while am here and there trying to generate new Ideas for the better of our community

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