Upgrading the service delivery

Felix Chanda

Lusaka, Zambia

100% repaid



Felix Chanda

Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

92 installments  •  77%

About Me

My child very brife i was born in Lusaka Zambia am the only child to my mum and dad. I was raised by my grandparents .I attended Grade one to grade twelve in Lusaka and qm currently pursuing a diploma in Computing and information System. I face problems and hardship head on i always clear my mind have a positve mind other wise hardships are just part of life we learn and gain experience every time. My land is a land of opportunities as a developing Nation we are the people bringing in new cultures. I dont have any children but what i think is every child wants a strong foundation of education and development as an upcoming entrepreneur i am building all the supplements for the children.
My hobbies are repiring machinary, learning new technology, problem solving etc.

My Business

I am currently involved in two business these are mobile money sevices and clothing shop that I opened in July 2021. In total profits I am generating k2500 Monthly on avarage weekly I am generating k680 net profit. My businesses are located in various parts of Lusaka yet to expand even more other areas.

Loan Proposal

Looking at the increase of the covid 19 cases it very difficult to maintain business profitability. it has come to mind that i will need to raise a little bit more to stabilize on business cost like transport and other service delivery cost

Income Source

to all my fellow business men and women if your business requires you to move from one place to another like my business it is important to prepare your self have a face mask and always remember to have hand sanitizer avoid hand shakes and observe social distancing i thank you all






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 20, 2020

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



United States

Ask Felix Chanda a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Felix Chanda    May 14, 2024

    Thank you zidisha community for funding this project looking forward to have that delivery completed on time

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  • Felix Chanda    May 11, 2024

    My last project was well executed only waiting for the client to payment

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  • Felix Chanda    Apr 14, 2024

    Acknowledging the support received for a project is a wonderful gesture. It's heartening to see the cycle of generosity continue as those who have been helped pledge to assist others in their future endeavors. This spirit of giving and mutual support not only fosters a positive community but also propels innovative projects forward. It's a testament to the power of collaboration and the shared belief in the potential of new ideas. May this cycle of funding and support keep turning, bringing to life many more groundbreaking projects in the years to come.

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  • Felix Chanda    Mar 31, 2024

    Thanks to all my funders who helped me in my last project on my last project to upgrade my laptop

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  • Felix Chanda    Mar 20, 2024

    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the funding of my project. Your support has been invaluable, and I am committed to giving back to the community in the same generous spirit that I have received assistance. Thank you all for your kindness and belief in my vision.

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  • Lucas    Mar 19, 2024

    Good Luck Brother on Your Business

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  • Mirriam    Mar 18, 2024

    Goodluck Felux

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  • Lilian    Mar 17, 2024

    Goodluck Felix

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  • Alice    Mar 16, 2024

    Goodluck in project

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  • Felix Chanda    Mar 12, 2024

    Zidisha has significantly contributed to the establishment of my sustainable business, which has thrived due to the consistent support from the community. My aspirations are not only to expand this community but also to reciprocate the support that has been instrumental in my growth.

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  • Felix Chanda    Dec 27, 2023

    Thank you all for funding this project I will be paying cloud service with Microsoft which I will allocate to clients that will be accessing cloud services. I would like to personally thank all the funders, this will help me to start cloud host services for business that seek remote access to there data, erp systems just to mention a few.

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  • Blessings    Dec 25, 2023

    All the best Felix.

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  • Rosemary    Dec 19, 2023

    Go Felix , discipline is key to growth

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  • Priscovia    Oct 8, 2023

    Wishing you good success .

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  • Felix Chanda    Oct 6, 2023

    My previous project was successful and managed to deliver on time thank you Zidisha community

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  • Felix Chanda    Jul 20, 2023

    Than you all for funding my project looking forward to grow my business in ordering laptops for sale and I believe will try grow the zidisha community in the process

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  • Felix Chanda    Jul 14, 2023

    Please help me fund the project my project of ordering used laptops for sale in zambia

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  • Felix Chanda    Oct 17, 2022

    Thank you all for funding my project I am really grateful and will my success once my project finalise

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  • Felix Chanda    Oct 17, 2022

    Thank you all for contribution of last loan it really helped me move around to raise something my self

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  • Felix Chanda    Sep 5, 2022

    Thank you all for funding my project to advertise my ICT consulting service on Ulendo works platform that will boost sales

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