School fee for my degree


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

216 installments  •  12%

About Me

My names are John kagechu i was born and raised in central province limuru town in the outskirts of Nairobi.
Am a member of a family of six,three brothers and a sister,
I joined Manguo high school and got my Kenya certificate of secondary education after i tarmacked for two years but luckily my dad sold a piece of land and manage to pay my school fee.
After i joined moi university for a degree in education.
i would like to make sure my siblings gets a better education and achieve the best out of this hard financial crisis facing my family.
i love socializing reading novels and swimming.

My Business

I work as a assistant lab technician in the university where i am taking degree i get paid 22,000 Kenya shillings per month and use the money to finance part of my fee,
i save 5,000 ksh a month as i plan to set a business inside the campus in the net six months.
I would wish to be self employed before completion of my education next year.
I found the need to start a bussiness aiming to surplly labaratory eguipments to the same campus and diffrent schools around my location. However i droped this idea because i realised its seasonal and it takes time before one can get an order.
i then decided to go for sell of cloths inside the campus
To start this bussines i will need a capital of 30,000 kenya shillings, The amount will purchase two bales one will be a bale of shoes and the other bale will be cloths, A bale of shoes will cost 15,000 kenya shillings and clothes will cost 10,000.
I will be selling in the campus were i plan to lease a small shop,Being in the campus for four years i have considered clothing bussines due to how students wants to show off how smart they look.
This will allow me do both my current job and sell cloths durring free times
i will definately make double profits and as the december holiday is a approaching i expect great returns.
I will also continue with my daily job untill i raise my bussiness to a level that is stable.

Loan Proposal

Thanks a lot for acceptance to joining Zidisha
If i raise this loan i would use it to top up my school fee and pay this years semesters fee which is 260 Usd.
I have got 120 Usd and my parents will pay 80 Usd before the end of the semester so i will make it 260 and clear my fee this will enable me study peacefully and achieve my targets.
I will pay the loan from my salary and by the time i finish i would have accumulate enough of my savings to start a business inside the campus.
thank you in advance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 10, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 months

Other loans



Eugene, United States





Cudahy, United States

Arend Thorp

Brooklyn, NY, United States

Ask John a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Charles    Jun 22, 2016

    Dear lenders i spoke to John and he will pay his weekly contribution tommorow .
    Thank you

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  • John    Feb 19, 2016

    Hallo lenders am very well in health and hopping you too, However am having difficulties with my loan and promise to caught up with my payments as soon a s possible

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  • John    Jan 2, 2016

    I highly appreciate your surport towards buillding my life with very low intrest loan, This loan is helpfull and reliable God bless zidisha

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  • John    Dec 7, 2015

    God bless you for alwas being their for me and all the surport and effort you put towards helping me.
    Thbis funds will be used as proposed and hopfully i will make it in bussiness.
    God bless you

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  • John    Nov 26, 2015

    I was lucky to know about zidisha i thank you all for the surport you given the loan helped me with my school fee and indeed m semiset is running smoothly, Am almost completing and as i stated early a bussiness is what i want to major in so to raise more income.
    your assistance is of great value to me as i have faith in zidisha.
    Thank you all.

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  • John    Oct 26, 2015

    i wish to pay more for my loan after i earned bonus in my pay slip thanks zidisha for being their for me and the wonderfull job you are doing.God bless

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  • John    Aug 25, 2015

    Hal lo lenders and zidisha family i am currently doing okay despite lucking enough money to pay zidisha this week.I promise to make prompt payments as from next week.
    thank you.

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  • John    Jun 11, 2015

    i received 5526 Kenya shillings thank you so much lenders zidisha team and everyone who contributed to the success of my loan.
    this loan will pay my fee and push me closer to my dreams.
    i wish you all the best and thanks alot.

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  • John    Jun 9, 2015

    thank you for funding my loan successful this will enable me pay my fees and be in school full time.
    thanks again .

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  • Oscar    Jun 8, 2015

    Great bro keep up.

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  • Mirriam    Jun 7, 2015

    Lenders, kindly visit my page- it's only few days before it expires

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  • Olengo    Jun 5, 2015

    Hello lenders kindly visit my loan page and help me by completing the bids to 100%

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  • Juliet    Jun 4, 2015

    All the best in your proposal

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  • Franscisca    Jun 3, 2015

    congratulation my friend. iwish success in your studies.

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  • Kiprop    Jun 2, 2015

    Congratulations my friend on your great proposal. All the best in your education.
    To lenders, kindly visit my loan page too.

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