Member since
December 2014
On-time repayments
446 installments • 90%
I was born in Thika town, kiambu county, Kenya .
I schooled in Jomokenyatta University (bsc maths and computer science)
since i joined i sought how i could do business while studying. I started by saving . After a year I had saved enough to put up a snack shop.
In the year 2013 i registered Thikatel computers to trade in selling computers and Information technology services.
My business Thikatel computers engages in selling computers, repairs, maintenance and other I.T related services.
I have been running the business for close to 28 months. I started with services but have since been able to grow in stocking desktop computers and laptops.
I offer services like repair of operating systems,
computer hardware repairs,
I sell desktops, laptops, and computer accessories.
I chose this business because I had interest in computer hardware and was good in it. This field is profitable due to the increasing number of college students in Thika town, however is also needs high capital to meet the demands.
Currently i stock few of accessories and machines.
I pay the rent of the business premise and support my family from the proceeds.
I wish to extend my services and computers to Nairobi city, i wish to open another branch of Thikatel computers.
$1000 for rent of premises for 5 months $200 per month
$3000 for assorted laptops 15 pcs @ $200
$620 for wooden shelves and display
Project Type
Pay It Forward
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 26, 2022
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Isak Maaseide Feb 16, 2022
Angela Newton Jul 8, 2019