Stock up my kiosk


Kangemi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

209 installments  •  92%

About Me

I was born and raised in Makueni County, Mwisini Village.
Let me first help you understand the nature of my region.
It's hot and dry, and the people who live in this area are
poverty-stricken. All the rivers source are seasonal. Growing up, I didn't have even the privilege of nature favoring me. I walked to school for kilometers barefoot and the ground was ever so hot. In my family, we only had two meals each day. Education was a challenge. As a child, my dream was to learn and know how to read and write in Swahili and in English. Because I didn't have any materials to read, I would borrow old newspapers from a neighbor to practice my reading and to try to memorize new vocabulary. I learned a lot through the old newspapers.
I learned about the world, and about the country's political environment. And whenever I read it, I felt connected with the world.
My wife and I have a son.

My Business

My business is a mini koisk where I retail consumables to the people who live around Hinga Road. My shop retails sugar, rice, salt, baking flour, ugali flour, and packed milk. This kiosk has everything a client would need for breakfast, lunch, and supper. I have created a great clientele base. They rely on my services and products, on a daily basis.
I sell to over 200 people. I open at 5a.m. and I close shop at 11p.m.
This is what earns me a living. I take care of my family's needs from the income that is generated from this kiosk. I pay for rent and food, and I also am in school and get my school fees from my business.

Loan Proposal

The loan will go to medium term goods that once i have bought them they will last for at least 2 months every time i stock, with this type of stocking i will avoid suffering the loses created by the fluctuation of prices, depending on the supplier, I want to buy sugar a sack of 100kgs worth 15000 kshs,Rice 100kgs worth 12500 kshs, liquid cooking oil 60 literes worth 6000kshs, Baby diapers a mini bail worth 3500kshs, with this i will have enough stock to get me constant profits, i will also be able to bypass the supplier price changing every week or so, I expect increment of between 15000kshs upto 20000 kshs after i have sold the entire stock.





  • melissapmeier    Apr 7, 2017

    Best wishes for your continued success. I would be happy to lend to you again!

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 25, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

9 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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