Project Updates

The latest updates from projects made possible by our global community.
David  ·  Chogoria, Kenya
Nov 12, 2014
and more..comment image
David  ·  Chogoria, Kenya
Nov 12, 2014
Greetings all, I received my first funding yesterday. This loan has helped me to be able to purchase 10 pieces of clothes and shoes today which has increased my stock level and equally given me the opportunity of reaching out to possibly 20 more new clients. Honestly, my customers are so happy for the new products I have. I am so grateful to my able lenders griebe, serene, jan73, jmony, and hilde. I pray God increase your wealth. This will make my dream of owning a group of companies come to light with the vital support of my precious and ever supportive lenderscomment image
Kipkoech  ·  Embakasi, Kenya
Nov 12, 2014
Thank you Zidisha. My loan was disbursed yesterday. On behalf of my mother and myself, I would like to thank all the Zidisha family. The work to make Glory Kiosk a supermarket has just started! Thank you!
Samuel  ·  Solai, Kenya
Nov 12, 2014
THANKS LENDERS FOR FUNDING MY LOAN ON TIME Dear lenders and zidisha team, i very greatful this morning for making my dream come true,with this money i will be able to rent more classrooms and by this i will be able to register more juniors and be able to pay my teachers on time,THANKS
Judy  ·  Chogoria, Kenya
Nov 12, 2014
Thanks so much my lenders.chkuo,neumans,tommy chheng,Rdcmole and coloradoEmac..Thanks all.Thanks to you all for funding my loan.I am glad to inform your that my loan has been funded fully
Agnes  ·  Kisumu, Kenya
Nov 11, 2014
since I joined zidisha,life has never been the same again.before then I used not to have morale of going to work due to lack of stock,but nowadays I do wake up early and head straight to work knowing well that I will make sales and meet the clients overwhelmed and I am taking the opportunity of applying for a higher loan in order to take advantage of the season ahead.may zidisha continue to empower more people everyday.
Albanus  ·  Kilimambogo Village In Thika West Division, Kenya
Nov 11, 2014
Dear lenders, I have always wanted to own my own school. i believe that a long journey starts with a single step. this is my single step. Kindly assist me make this dream come true. Thank you
Gilbert  ·  Nakuru, Kenya
Nov 11, 2014
Greetings all, I've just received my first funding this morning. Thank you all for the trust and support. Now at work!comment image
Samuel  ·  Solai, Kenya
Nov 11, 2014
THANK YOU all lenders for supporting my loan bid ,i can see your efffort,i am still on the process of registering kidspupils as per now i have fourty student and i am expecting some more student from puplic school who have not closed their school, i have rented two classrooms and iam expecting their tution to start by tomorrow,this student will be coached by my wife who is also a teacher as we wait others to come .
Obed  ·  Kumasi Pankrono, Ghana
Nov 10, 2014
I have been able to purchased two sets of computers (used once). Thank you Zidisha Team and my honorable Lenderscomment image
Patrick  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 9, 2014
Hello Kimeny. Thanks for your kind message. My small farm is doing great and the cows are in good shape. The bulk purchase of concentrates enabled me to save on some of the costs through discounted bulk purchases. The savings have helped in buying of fodder for cows as we are currently experiencing a dry spell. Thank you and hope to hear from you again.
Oscar  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 9, 2014
Zidisha Community you are true Dream makers Thanks so much for Empowering ordinary Citizen to do extra ordinary things in life,as the say alittle courtesy goes along way I appreciate you have turn my life around for better. Asante Sanacomment imagecomment image
KM  ·  British Columbia, Canada, Canada
Nov 8, 2014
Thank-you for your first repayments - and for posting all the pictures of your work. I hope that your well will never run dry.
Thomas  ·  Sunyani, Ghana
Nov 8, 2014
Fantastic , This loan has help me to be able to purchase 10 pieces of clothes today which has increased my stock level and equally given me the opportunity of reaching out to possibly 10 more new clients. I am so grateful to my able lenders and I pray God increase your wealth . This will make my dream of owning a group of companies come to light with the vital support of my precious and ever supportive lenderscomment image
Zephania  ·  Elburgon, Kenya
Nov 8, 2014
Dear lenders it is two months since i received your loan.It has been helpful to me and my family too.My business have been boosted so much.Now i wish to change my repayments as now my business is able and it is doing more than good. From next week i wish to start paying ksh 7700 and i am planning to finish my payment in the next four weeks.
klunpa01  ·  Athens, Ohio, United States
Nov 8, 2014
Hi there, everyone! My friend Ameth wanted to share pictures of his latest purchase with you. He has 150 chicks that he will be raising to sell for Christmas! Let's wish Ameth good luck with his endeavors and we wish him the best of luck! Sincerely, Paige Klunk Senegal Client Liaisoncomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
Kipngeno  ·  Kericho, Kenya
Nov 8, 2014
Thanks to zidisha my stock has increase and am grateful i can now sell alot of shoes especially on this festive holiday.
Peter  ·  Kimende Bathi Village, Kenya
Nov 8, 2014
Dear Lenders, I'm really humbled for your generosity. I'm out words. All I can say on behalf of Magina Preparatory is a big thank you. I promise to payback in good in time. It is my dream to see this school become a fully fledged learning center in the future. Thank You Again Yours Peter Karanja
Corsmas  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 7, 2014
Dear Lenders and zidisha team, I take this opportunity to thank you for coming to my assistance when I was in dire financial need.It is beautiful as your loan helped me meet the coast of repair for my stalled vehicle and I was able to put it back on road .Your contribution have totally changed my life and my thinking as I have become more ambitious and business minded as I have realized that for one to be successful you have to have someone to hold your hand as Zidisha does. I am now thinking of becoming a full time businessman and I am sure I will do it with your help.Zidisha have brought happiness in my family and I thank you all and encourage you to continue helping the deserving. Thank you Corsmas
KM  ·  British Columbia, Canada, Canada
Nov 6, 2014
Hello Joyce, I'm glad that you have received your funding now, and hope that the new screen will make your customers happy. My contribution is made for Remembrance Day in memory of a friend of mine who died as a result of his service with the Canadian Forces. He was a generous person, and he really seemed to enjoy video and computer games. I'm sure he would have been happy to help you out with a loan if he could - so now I do in his name. Thanks, and good luck!
Vincent  ·  Kisii Town, Bomwada, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
Dear my lenders and Zidisha management, I am very thankful for all your support so far and the loan that I have taken from you, as I had said earlier, it has helped me much and I managed to buy iron sheets although am still expecting to add more on my next loan. I have so far managed to clear the area (Compound) where am likely to build my house and the borehole/well is almost complete for clean water and the Structural House Plan as the photos attached below, I am sending a big apologies to all my lenders that have been late in my loan repayments this because so many things have happened on my way which almost dragged me back, but I thank God am now regaining back as I managed to make my loan reschedule and also I made my repayment Yesterday whereby am waiting for the update to take place, I mean the management to credit my account. Thank you also for your encouragement and also concern. Yours Faithfully, Vincent, Borrower & VM Kenyacomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
Aan  ·  Teluk Kuantan, Indonesia
Nov 6, 2014
tempat usahacomment image
Alvins  ·  Chokaa Village-lower Njiru, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
Just want to let my lenders know that I have built a better poultry house which I will soon post as soon as I succeed in uploading the pictures. I have used the additional income to put up a building which I intend to use as a cyber and information center. Our youths must learn to create jobs for themselves through internet freelancing etc
Edwin  ·  Ruai, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
The reason am reducing my loan repayment is because am taking a leave from my company to concentrate on school work so as to prepare for the coming exam.Thus i will not be earning much money as for now.Once am back to work I will be able to increase amount again to recover this deficit. The first loan I used by buying learning materials i.e text books. The second loan I was able to acquire a second hand laptop and a modem which am very grateful since Am now able to do my studies conveniently and less costly compared to when I used to Visit cyber cafes frequently before. The laptop is also serving me because am now able to complete my clients accounting services on time .
Lulii  ·  Mombasa, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
Another good week with my business still growing. I will be shifting in another shop which has a little bit more space than this at the end of the month. So far, I just thank God for everything.
Elizabeth  ·  Nakuru, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
The reasons for repaying the whole loan is because the bakery bussiness has picked and its doing very well.I began working with one employee but currently i have five more.The turn out of the bakery every week is $235 minus the expenses.It has improved the living standard of the community through creating job oppotunities and availability of the goods.Its this big vision am working on opening the bakery in the urban area since this other one is in the rural area,and its my humble prayer that i might be given your financial support again.Thankyou for your support
Josphat  ·  Mombasa, Kenya
Nov 6, 2014
I would like to thank the Zidisha team and all those who funded my loan, for their quick response. I was able to buy two submergible fountain water pumps at a total cost of Ksh. 3200 and ordered 7 more pumps and 5 submergible lights. I am so thankful to Zidisha team. God bless you.comment imagecomment image
Fitri  ·  Depok, Indonesia
Nov 5, 2014
I really love the culture of Indonesia __inilah our culture, Sundanese culture wore a head,comment image
Mbacké  ·  Dakar, Senegal
Nov 5, 2014
Hello dear lenders of Zidisha. Firstly, I present my very sincere apologies for this lateness. I have been away travelling to the village for the harvest in the fields but the village doesn't have a bank to do repayments, no internet connection to make comments; that is my excuse for the lateness but I have just arrived. In summary, I am happy of your thanks
Jane  ·  Meru, Kenya
Nov 5, 2014
@sunny B, Thanks once again for your support and comments. I look forward to manage my third. Loan to reach my dreams. be blessed and a good day. Thanks.
Jane  ·  Meru, Kenya
Nov 5, 2014
To all lenders, borrowers and the entire zidisha team, I here by request your able prayers to my big sister who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor into the intestine and going to India for farther analysis since kenya have not proper equipments to test the level of cancer cells so that she may start chemotherapy treatments.she is the one with me in some of my photos down here, Also pray for my daughter chelsea who is sitting for her final exman since 4th till 6th,that is tomorrow.
Kipkoech  ·  Embakasi, Kenya
Nov 5, 2014
I can't believe my loan has been fully funded in a few hours! Thank you Zidisha! My gratitude goes to all my lenders; Sven E Mannheim, Scaevola, Captain, BernadetteV, geobuk, and Ejackson. Thank you and merci beaucoup!
Dennis  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 4, 2014
The main reason I want to reduce the installment amounts from Ksh 1907 to Ksh 1287 is that I am currently concentrating on finishing my final year project and as such have decided to study fulltime until December 20th this has greatly affected my income but is a sacrifice worth taking to be able to graduate with top honors
Consilata Shirly  ·  Alupe, Kenya
Nov 4, 2014
Hey lenders ,thank you for supporting me in my venture.My business has picked up since my chicken have started laying.My income has drastically increased and for that reason ,I have decided to reschedule my loan so that i can pay more. My income has increased thanks to Zidisha.I decided to resign from my job so as to concentrate on farming.I must say the future is bright.Thank you so much
Kipkoech  ·  Embakasi, Kenya
Nov 4, 2014
Dear Lenders! Thank you for your support in my previous loans. I just posted my third loan which I intend to use to support my mother in increasing her kiosk stock. Her shop is called Glory Kiosk. Thank you for your support in funding my loan.comment image
Alvins  ·  Chokaa Village-lower Njiru, Kenya
Nov 4, 2014
thank God I have finished repaying my 2nd loan. The poultry project is doing fine and my next project is incubating eggs to produce chicks for rearing and resale.
Emmanuel  ·  Mombasa, Kenya
Nov 3, 2014
wonderful business is doing soo well i thank you the zidisha team , am almost clearing my loan way earlier than the date, thank you soo much. i increased stock and got more orders for paper and stationary. as the school approach closing now its exams period am making alot of money comparing with wat i used to make beofre i joined zidisha. u are really a life changer cudos!!!
Annah  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 2, 2014
Thank you so much Lender My Business is doing very well on a daily progress some of the stock i bought last week.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
Oscar  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Nov 1, 2014
"Thank you Lenders i truly appreciate your support" God Bless Zidisha Community for their Support Am Humbled you made my Dream come true i love you all. I received the money, and bought the Monitor yesterday at 5:00Pm form Jamia Mall Nairobi. Thank once again i will keep you posted all the time on my progress and future expansion of my Business.we made it i could not have done it without you and your support thanks for believing in my dreams "Not matter where you are dreams are valid" Great words from Lupita Nyongo.comment image
Quinter  ·  Kemera, Kenya
Nov 1, 2014
i would like to reschedule my loan to pay more since my business has experienced a higher profit income.thanks to our lenders for enabling us achieve our goals and have hope to move on swiftly with our future programs.i injected all of the loan into my business .i bought more second hand clothes to my stall and what i an seeing is a good profit income.especially in november and december such a business has boomed because may people need clothing
Caroline  ·  Kilifi, Kenya
Nov 1, 2014
Thanks You Dominic, i always believe in not giving up so i will always try till i reach my target with the help from Zidisha lenders, giving up is not an option for me, if i fail today there is always tomorrow.comment image
Luke  ·  Thika, Kenya
Nov 1, 2014
Thanks be zidisha guys am now in abetter position to compete with other photographers in my area,and still the profit aim making as enabled me to clear the balance in my college ,and as i graduate this year i have no arrears ,thanks to zidisha.
Gregory  ·  Nairobi Kenya, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
At Kenyatta University doing Public Administration assignmentcomment image
Clement  ·  Nairobi, Cbd, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
Hi Zidisha fam, hope you are all doing great!!! I am currently undergoing an aeronautical engineering internship and happened to be sent out of town with no prior notice. I greatly regret and apologise for any inconviniences that I caused. Otherwise, the farm is doing great and each and every time I make sales or as am just walking around in it, I can't help feeling grateful for your continued support! I also thank Mr. Zacharia for his concern and for maintaining contact with my lenders while I was away; thankyou!!
Rose  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
dear lenders' i appreciate you once more for giving me my second loan. am so grateful because it has enabled me to renovate my salon which is now looking good. i am really so happy because my clients my client are now enjoying my services in a very clean environment. my sales have really increased and now i can pay for my kids' school fees in time without straggling too much. i have even bought them a laptop through my savings from my first loan, once again thank you lenders for lifting my life and the life of all small entrepreneurs be blessed as u continue with the good work,thank u
Anderson  ·  Tezo, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
Hi my lenders and zidisha team as a whole. Thanks a lot for the second loan that I managed to repay fully on 30 . 10 . 2014. This loan increased my earnings that is why I managed my income well to make sure that on the date due, the amount is available. Now I would like to buy a power saw machine for hiring that will costs 68,000/= kenyan shillings with the third loan that I intending to borrow the moment the amount is credited. hiring a power saw machine is more profitable business in our area.
Perry  ·  Kinamba, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
Hello team. My business is doing well now. Demand for eggs has also gone up. The few chicken that were not affected by bird flu have hatched and soon I will have additionals. I would like to change the installments amount to Kes 600 as the sale for eggs is now good. Again, thank you so much for been patient with me.
Albert  ·  Abeka, Ghana
Oct 31, 2014
I want to use this opportunity to thank my lenders for funding my loan which help me furthering my knowledge about Entrepreneurship and Business Management ,thanks to the program i have acquired insight into project valuation and evaluation,cash flows management .I may say this knowledge has helped to see clear how to expand my business adding more value to it and also by minimizing risk as to increase my profit margin .Though i am yet to complete but i can testify that i acquired a lot of managerial skills .Once again big thank to my lenders
Victor  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
my incread earning has enabled me to buy a skirt suit for my wife, and i am inteding to expand the business by opening manufacturing go-down. i will share rent with a friend ..after stabilizing i can seek for more space.. thanks a lot zidisha
Victor  ·  Nairobi, Kenya
Oct 31, 2014
DEAR Friends of global pple.. thank u very much for the loan & advice u extended to me during loan sourcing that am closin my first loan those who stay in Nairobi kenya -AFRICA can we have a cup u tea on saturday afternoon..

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