3 koko cookers and pressure cooker for my business


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2017

On-time repayments

234 installments  •  81%

About Me

I am a first born in a family of seven children. Being a first born from a humble family, I had the responsibility of looking after my siblings as my parents went to work in coffee farms. I missed school my times to take care of house chores and lack of school fees.
To support my siblings and pay my school fees, I started selling green vegetables, making baskets and cooking chapatis for sale. I spent any free time during the day and evenings to study and I managed to do well in my studies both in primary and proceeded to secondary school and passed well. Through the businesses I was doing, I managed to take a course in dress making which helped to get a casual job in a dress making shop. From my wages, I saved money to start a food kiosk. Earnings from this kiosk has helped raise my three children, two boys and one girl.

My Business

I run a food kiosk where I sell foodstuffs such as madodo, mandathi, chapati, tea , githeri at mikimo to bodaboda operators, hawkers and workers at construction sites. There are a lot of people who are constructing new buildings as well as renovating old buildings thus employing a large number of casual labourers whom are my customers and I will be providing their meals like breakfast, lunch and 4 o'clock tea. I choose this business out of interest in cooking and providing services to people. Slot of expenses are on ingredients such as maize, beans, wheat flour, sugar, milk, potatoes, water, electricity, charcoal and house rent. My production and marketing cost is currently 65% of total sales and profits is 35%. I reinvest 60% of profit , 20% of profit goes to paying school fees and the other 20% goes to home improvement.

Loan Proposal

I intend to buy 3 Koko cookers and one pressure cooker for food kiosk. This is enable me reduce the cost of cooking. It will further enable me prepare a variety of foods at the right time to meet my customers taste and quality.





  • Mary    Apr 26, 2017

    Wonderful Borrower. I would gladly help fund another loan for Graceann!!

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 3, 2021

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months




South Strafford, United States


Shawn H

United States

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